OMG weasel looks like he is dying :((((

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He has a URI and has difficulties drinking? Try this.... Get Chocolate Ensure (it is thicker, higher viscosity, which is easier for him to drink and not choke on, as well as a great nutritional aide and Baytril bitterness masker) and give very small amounts repeatedly for as long as he drinks it. And here's the trick.... Dont use a flat bottomed dish, such as a lid or common food dish, but rather a rounded bottom bowl, such as big spoon. A tablespoon will do just fine, it allows him to lick from the edges, which gives him assurance that he doesn't lick too much and accidentally swallow too much, or try to, and end up choking. He will lick from the very edge until it is nearly gone and then finish it up licking in the center, where the remaining Ensure is. Repeat as many times as necessary. If he refused the Baytril you can give it to him in tiny increments, such as 0.02ml doses that you can keep giving with each new spoonful of Ensure, until you add all the spoonfuls up to the correct dose. If he gets extremely dehydrated you can give wet foods such as frozen peas and corn (he will probably choose a preference, which is fine, but sometimes when they get really bad they will benefit from you shelling the peas for him, as he can have a hard time with it himself due to the eating/breathing relationship (basically it's one or the other at this stage of the illness), so be understanding and prepared to help him in ways you never imagined. Lastly, if his dehydrated becomes critical, you can give subcutaneous injections of saline solution to hydrate, with a dose of about 3ml every 6 hours, in a different site each time, such as large muscular areas (thighs, rump, front upper legs, etc. with extremities being the easiest for novices. I just use a short needle insulin syringe and check to make sure you did not hit a vein, although I don't see the reasoning for why that's not good, but it's recommended to be subcutaneous, so that's the method This is for emergencies in which your rat will not drink. I've only had to do it once, overnight while I waited for my vet to open at 8am to have him humanely helped across the bridge. He wouldn't even eat his shelled peas, or his whipped cream, and was open mouth gasping for oxygen, so it was very serious and I was not going to let him suffer through a suffocation. I've had it happen twice, once to my exes first pet rat, and once to one of my rescues who was absolutely fine until suddenly, one day, he wasn't. He passed in my arms the next day (a Sunday) as I was on the phone with an emergency 24 hour vet. I knew he was going to not make it when he became frantic and I couldn't soothe him and calm him down. He ran erratically back and forth on me frantically looking for relief from his suffocating and wouldn't be consoled, which escalated his situation. It was absolutely the worst moment you'll ever know with rat caretaking. If only he hadn't hidden his illness so damn well. I check all my rats weekly for breathing sounds, lumps, infections, grooming abilities, etc. He never had a single tiny symptom, and that is normal behavior for rats to hide their injuries and illnesses, but he was exceptionally good at it, which was his ultimate downfall. So terribly sad. Anyway, I'm rambling on now so I will end with a little prayer for your rattie. I hope he gets well soon.


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That’s awful! But great for them as you buy more :( do you mind telling me what system you use and how to get hold of it please?
I have managed to coax weasel into drinking and eating some spaghetti and apple. He’s had two doses of antibiotics.

Is there anything else I can do to help him? Sorry for all the questions. I’ve never nursed a sick rat before, only a hamster and she died. :/
I use Ivermectin just once and the mites are gone. NEVER have I had to do more than one treatment. As far is it being "Great for them as you buy more", um I don't know how great it can be when a lifetime supply costs only $5!!!! I STILL have the same tube I bought over 5 years ago, which, I might add, is still effective and will last me many years to come. And I have at least 12 rats at all times, which all get treated when 1 rat arrives with mites since it is the easiest way to handle it if not quarantining. If you don't like saving hundreds of dollars then buy Stronghold (Revolution is same exact product, just marketed to Europe while Revolution has USDA approval). I use this with my rescues because they are the property of the rescue agency and they only use Revolution.
Weasel making improvements each day! Thank you SO much for your help. But. My other young rat Maurice I rescued at the same time I thiiiiink has some possible breathing sounds but otherwise acting normally. I should give him baytril immediately yes? I’m seeing vet tomorrow for follow up.

Another question sorry, regarding mites where are these from? I freeze my back-2-nature litter substrate and I just can’t think how these little ***** got to them. :/
He has a URI and has difficulties drinking? Try this.... Get Chocolate Ensure (it is thicker, higher viscosity, which is easier for him to drink and not choke on, as well as a great nutritional aide and Baytril bitterness masker) and give very small amounts repeatedly for as long as he drinks it. And here's the trick.... Dont use a flat bottomed dish, such as a lid or common food dish, but rather a rounded bottom bowl, such as big spoon. A tablespoon will do just fine, it allows him to lick from the edges, which gives him assurance that he doesn't lick too much and accidentally swallow too much, or try to, and end up choking. He will lick from the very edge until it is nearly gone and then finish it up licking in the center, where the remaining Ensure is. Repeat as many times as necessary. If he refused the Baytril you can give it to him in tiny increments, such as 0.02ml doses that you can keep giving with each new spoonful of Ensure, until you add all the spoonfuls up to the correct dose. If he gets extremely dehydrated you can give wet foods such as frozen peas and corn (he will probably choose a preference, which is fine, but sometimes when they get really bad they will benefit from you shelling the peas for him, as he can have a hard time with it himself due to the eating/breathing relationship (basically it's one or the other at this stage of the illness), so be understanding and prepared to help him in ways you never imagined. Lastly, if his dehydrated becomes critical, you can give subcutaneous injections of saline solution to hydrate, with a dose of about 3ml every 6 hours, in a different site each time, such as large muscular areas (thighs, rump, front upper legs, etc. with extremities being the easiest for novices. I just use a short needle insulin syringe and check to make sure you did not hit a vein, although I don't see the reasoning for why that's not good, but it's recommended to be subcutaneous, so that's the method This is for emergencies in which your rat will not drink. I've only had to do it once, overnight while I waited for my vet to open at 8am to have him humanely helped across the bridge. He wouldn't even eat his shelled peas, or his whipped cream, and was open mouth gasping for oxygen, so it was very serious and I was not going to let him suffer through a suffocation. I've had it happen twice, once to my exes first pet rat, and once to one of my rescues who was absolutely fine until suddenly, one day, he wasn't. He passed in my arms the next day (a Sunday) as I was on the phone with an emergency 24 hour vet. I knew he was going to not make it when he became frantic and I couldn't soothe him and calm him down. He ran erratically back and forth on me frantically looking for relief from his suffocating and wouldn't be consoled, which escalated his situation. It was absolutely the worst moment you'll ever know with rat caretaking. If only he hadn't hidden his illness so damn well. I check all my rats weekly for breathing sounds, lumps, infections, grooming abilities, etc. He never had a single tiny symptom, and that is normal behavior for rats to hide their injuries and illnesses, but he was exceptionally good at it, which was his ultimate downfall. So terribly sad. Anyway, I'm rambling on now so I will end with a little prayer for your rattie. I hope he gets well soon.

Omg I’m so sorry you and your poor rattie went through this. I would be distraught. So upsetting to see them suffer. You must have been horrified :( I did EVERYthing you said and he’s managed it all :))) hes now drinking water ok. I got some hypodermic needles for diabetics from the pharmacy (they soooo thought I was an IV drug user and looked at me funny when I said it was for my rat haha. But they happily took my money regardless . Ha. Will have them ready in case I need. My other rat has some odd sounds so have started treating him with baytril even though he is acting perky and normal. I tried listening with my stethoscope but I’m so used to human lungs I don’t really know what I’m hearing. Their heartbeat is so loud and over powering....
thanks to you to for all your advice. :))
I use Ivermectin just once and the mites are gone. NEVER have I had to do more than one treatment. As far is it being "Great for them as you buy more", um I don't know how great it can be when a lifetime supply costs only $5!!!! I STILL have the same tube I bought over 5 years ago, which, I might add, is still effective and will last me many years to come. And I have at least 12 rats at all times, which all get treated when 1 rat arrives with mites since it is the easiest way to handle it if not quarantining. If you don't like saving hundreds of dollars then buy Stronghold (Revolution is same exact product, just marketed to Europe while Revolution has USDA approval). I use this with my rescues because they are the property of the rescue agency and they only use Revolution.

What???!!! It costs the equivalent of 5 dollars here to buy just half a treatment !!! Beaphar ....
He has a URI and has difficulties drinking? Try this.... Get Chocolate Ensure (it is thicker, higher viscosity, which is easier for him to drink and not choke on, as well as a great nutritional aide and Baytril bitterness masker) and give very small amounts repeatedly for as long as he drinks it. And here's the trick.... Dont use a flat bottomed dish, such as a lid or common food dish, but rather a rounded bottom bowl, such as big spoon. A tablespoon will do just fine, it allows him to lick from the edges, which gives him assurance that he doesn't lick too much and accidentally swallow too much, or try to, and end up choking. He will lick from the very edge until it is nearly gone and then finish it up licking in the center, where the remaining Ensure is. Repeat as many times as necessary. If he refused the Baytril you can give it to him in tiny increments, such as 0.02ml doses that you can keep giving with each new spoonful of Ensure, until you add all the spoonfuls up to the correct dose. If he gets extremely dehydrated you can give wet foods such as frozen peas and corn (he will probably choose a preference, which is fine, but sometimes when they get really bad they will benefit from you shelling the peas for him, as he can have a hard time with it himself due to the eating/breathing relationship (basically it's one or the other at this stage of the illness), so be understanding and prepared to help him in ways you never imagined. Lastly, if his dehydrated becomes critical, you can give subcutaneous injections of saline solution to hydrate, with a dose of about 3ml every 6 hours, in a different site each time, such as large muscular areas (thighs, rump, front upper legs, etc. with extremities being the easiest for novices. I just use a short needle insulin syringe and check to make sure you did not hit a vein, although I don't see the reasoning for why that's not good, but it's recommended to be subcutaneous, so that's the method This is for emergencies in which your rat will not drink. I've only had to do it once, overnight while I waited for my vet to open at 8am to have him humanely helped across the bridge. He wouldn't even eat his shelled peas, or his whipped cream, and was open mouth gasping for oxygen, so it was very serious and I was not going to let him suffer through a suffocation. I've had it happen twice, once to my exes first pet rat, and once to one of my rescues who was absolutely fine until suddenly, one day, he wasn't. He passed in my arms the next day (a Sunday) as I was on the phone with an emergency 24 hour vet. I knew he was going to not make it when he became frantic and I couldn't soothe him and calm him down. He ran erratically back and forth on me frantically looking for relief from his suffocating and wouldn't be consoled, which escalated his situation. It was absolutely the worst moment you'll ever know with rat caretaking. If only he hadn't hidden his illness so damn well. I check all my rats weekly for breathing sounds, lumps, infections, grooming abilities, etc. He never had a single tiny symptom, and that is normal behavior for rats to hide their injuries and illnesses, but he was exceptionally good at it, which was his ultimate downfall. So terribly sad. Anyway, I'm rambling on now so I will end with a little prayer for your rattie. I hope he gets well soon.

Also I wasn’t able to open your attachments ... could be issue with my connection....
If you are in the US you can order Revolution at Pets Megastore. You can order from Canada but it can take awhile to arrive.

I would definitely start the other boy on baytril.

Rats naturally have mites but can develop infestations when sick/compromised or from fomites (bedding, toys etc). Are you freezing for 48 hours?
If you are in the US you can order Revolution at Pets Megastore. You can order from Canada but it can take awhile to arrive.

I would definitely start the other boy on baytril.

Rats naturally have mites but can develop infestations when sick/compromised or from fomites (bedding, toys etc). Are you freezing for 48 hours?

I’m in the UK. I’m freezing for 3 days... but just remembered they went burrowing in soil in a plant pot (accidental escape into the room with the plant). Could that have caused it?