Some bad news:
Eve must have had a stroke today while I was at work. When I got home she was sleeping in her little puzzle hut, and so I decided not to disturb her. After a bit I decided it was necessary to see how she was, so I got her out of her hut, and things were... not good. She was tipped over on her side and pulled herself around on that side. Her eyes really freaked me out though. One had the pupil pointing straight up and the other had the pupil pointing forward. She is extremely tilty and can't eat or drink by herself right now, probably a lot to do with her eyes.
I, of course, panicked and luckily Chelle was around to help. She helped me right away (THANK YOU!!!!!). We have given her extra Prednisone for tonight and probably tomorrow unless the vet says different (with a good reason). I will call him tomorrow.
I feel so bad for this poor girl! She has had to endure so much. I wish I could make her better, but alas, I can only do so much. She is sitting on my lap after (another) feeding of baby food and ensure. She has peed on me twice (So I know she loves me haha).
Tonight she will stay in the little cage that I have so she will rest. Ill leave some ensure and water bowls out for her and she can sleep right next to my bed! Hopefully by tomorrow we will see some improvement. She is just on my lap now, boggling and bruxxing away
Gah she is SUCH a cutie :heart: