Odd noise? -- Finally, an answer

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Yeah, doesn't sound good eh? But I've been reading other people's breathing issues and wondered if it might just be a nose thing since the vet found her chest clear in between frequent episodes (and after her initial round of baytril). So I've been trying the benedryl... if it doesn't help I'll go back to the baytril and see if the vet will add doxy or zithro. Thankyou.
To anyone who did see that video while it was up - does she sound like Riana's Rose?
No, Summer doesn't sound like that other video. The other video was a very congested, very loud clicking/crackling noise. Imagine how you sound with a really bad chest cold, where your breath rattles.

I can't believe your vet said Summer was okay, either.. Along with the clicking, she's rocking with her breathing. I've only seen that with labored breathing, they just have to put their entire bodies into getting a good breath. I don't know if it's the light, if it's sleepy time or what, but are her eyes usually squinted like that when she's having the breathing problems?

She also looks a touch thin? Have you thought about supplementing her at all? A bit of soy milk or ensure in baby cereal while they're sick goes a long way.
I'm sorry, I know that has nothing to do with the topic here but I have to say it. I want to hold that hairless girl and kiss her all over, she is so cute and I miss not having a hairless rat anymore. What a beautiful rat. I love the smack, smack sounds that it makes when we kiss a hairless rat.

:tumkiss: :tumkiss: :tumkiss: :tumkiss: :tumkiss: :tumkiss: :tumkiss:
Oh, please don't worry, Fidget! I don't mind you posting about a related problem at all on here :3 But no, that's nothing like what Rose sounded like.

Joanne, two vets since moving up here and noticing the problem have cleared his breathing, and the vet that I took them to for a final check-up before I moved cleared both boys for excellent health as well. You're very right, he doesn't make the noise when he's at the vet. The vet wants me to bring him in for a day of observation so that she can have a chance to hear the noise for herself. And his breathing really does sound great to me (ofcourse, I have no medical training to make such a statement...).

As I said before, he acts perfectly fine. Healthy, chipper, exuberent, etc. You wouldn't think there was anything wrong with him (and I'm honestly not sure if there is much -wrong-). I've noticed that he's made the sound more often when he's out playing, like when I hand-wrestle with him, etc. I don't know if he's getting winded when he's out, and that's causing the noise or not. I'm going to suggest to the vet to wrestle with him, and maybe that'll get him to make the noise.

I mentioned that I heard him make a grinding noise once or twice, as well as what I thought sounded like hiccups. Should I be concerned that those could be linked to this? Are they bad signs?

Anyway, he's going in on friday, and if anything arises before then, he'll be in sooner. (And Fidget, I hope your little girl gets better/got better! :tumkiss: )
Thankyou Riana.
I sure understand what you are going thru with the not knowing what's going on so you can just give the right treatment and know you're helping your baby.

I was saying "she acts perfectly fine" as you did. Cause she was between attacks. But then you say you don't know if he's getting winded or not. I've been watching Summer's breathing since she got worse the last few days and when she's just been active and is 'recuperating' from that, comparing it to my others, I notice that I see movement in the other's lower parts when they breathe but with her it seems to be more in the upper part back by her haunches that I don't see in the others... Do you see any difference like that in Rose and your other kids?
I notice no difference between his method of breathing and the other boys', unfortunately. He doesn't seem to get weak or anything like that, either. It's as though none of this bothers him. He continues to run and jump and bounce and do everything even when he's making that noise.

I'll certainly keep your experience in mind, and make sure that I'm watching him very closely.
Riana said:
I notice no difference between his method of breathing and the other boys', unfortunately.
Oh, I think that really fortunate! :D I'm glad that you don't see in him the anomaly I'm seeing in my girl.
Riana said:
He doesn't seem to get weak or anything like that, either. It's as though none of this bothers him. He continues to run and jump and bounce and do everything even when he's making that noise. I'll certainly keep your experience in mind, and make sure that I'm watching him very closely.
That's great! I'm so happy for you to hear that. As you say it's good to watch when something funny is going on, cause Summer was exactly as you describe until recently. She's obviously deteriorated in the last few days, I'm thinking a minor problem making myco kick in?

I hope your Rose is just particularly verbal and that's all it is and causes you grey hairs but him no problems.
I hope your Rose is just particularly verbal and that's all it is and causes you grey hairs but him no problems.

*lol* You know, it's funny though, because every time he makes the noise, it sounds as though he's chittering, or communicating. He'll come right up to me, sniffing, and make the grunting noise, and run around grunting, etc. I know it's not a communication noise now, but it always happens when he's acting as though he could be communicating.

I'm going to call the vet on monday, and consult the other rat vet in town, just to make sure things are going smoothly. I don't want things to get bad, since I know how quickly little rats can go down-hill, but the vet doesn't seem too concerned about it right now (or atleast, that's what she's projecting to me). I hope things go smoothly. I will ask though if she thinks we should start him on a general antibiotic asap.
Grinding noise, I wonder if you mean bruxing. Rats will do this when either very content or stressed, in your case, it must be contentment.

If you watch this video, you'll hear a noise in the background of one of my rats. He sounded just like he had a respiratory infection.
You hear it throughout the whole video.

That's a great thing to post.
You get those odd rats :xmasrud: that do things that nobody else does in your lifetime. And you don't know if it's something to worry about or not.
Seeing the same thing your kid is doing in someone else's kid and knowing it doesn't turn into a problem is very comforting.
And even if it is a problem thing it's a comfort to hopefully learn what was going on and what worked to fix it.

So that kid was perfectly fine, it was just something he did? Geez, did you have to have a vet visit to know all was ok? Darn little individuals, they sure can mess with your head when you think you have a clue about the species in general :gaah:
Fidget, in my video, that sound is cause for concern, it's usually a URI but in my Magnus' case it was a thymic tumour pressing on his lungs.
I FINALLY got a video of Rose making the noise! I just got it infact, so it's uploading right now. I won't have it up until tomorrow, but I will put it up as soon as I can. Finally, I feel as though I can have proof of the noise he's making. I'm relieved in a way. ^^;. I have an appointment on wednesday to take Guild and Rose in to the vet for observation so the vet can hear the noise for herself.
Rose definitely sounds congested. It sounds like it's only really in his nasal passages, not in his lungs. Which would explain why your vet may not have heard it when she listened to his lungs.

How dry is the air where the rats are kept? Do you have a humidifier of any sort?
Joanne: Him and Guild have their appointment with the vet tomorrow morning. I really hope she's able to hear the noise, and give him something.

Javakittie: I live in a basement. -I- personally don't find it too damp/dry, but it's always awfully cold (I'm looking at portable heaters as we speak, one isn't enough here.) But I plan on picking up a humidifier soon, or asking for one for Xmas.
If your nose isn't ever dry or anything, that's most likely not the cause. I notice my girls get a funky dry sounding sneeze when it gets too dry, that's why I asked.

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