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Awww, I read this thread after reading her 'in memoriam'. So sad to hear her rallying, only to succumb. My heart goes out to you SQ, you tried your absolute best, there was nothing else you could have done. Poor little girl...
I know this is late, I was offline for a while due to computer problems and got back on to find this. I am so so sorry for your loss. It is never easy to lose a fur baby. My thoughts are with you. :hugs:
So sorry this happened. You've been through so much in such a short time. You did more than most people would have, to give Nicole the best chance of recovery.

awwww.. Hugs.
The lab report on Nicole is back ... results are inconclusive, possibly because of the misleading info in the history saying that a burn was unlikely as a heat source was not used during the spay. However, the vet at South Paw did use a hot snuggle safe on Nicole several hours before Nicole started to show the signs of skin damange.
Final diagnosis was: multifocal cutaneous coagulative epidermal necrosis and cecal impaction (cause unknown).

It is possible that Nicole was accidentally burned by the emergency vet on call at the South Paw vet clinic on Saturday May 22.
(No evidence for another cause was found for Nicole's highly unusual, very deep skin & muscle damage.) Nicole was fine, healthy, active etc up until that Sat evening.

Nicole should be here happy, healthy, running around and playing with her rattie friends ..... I blame myself for this happening to Nicole.


I have learned to only schedule surgeries on Mondays so that if anything happens my vet will be available for 4 more days until the weekend.
I have learned to be much more careful about trusting vets, regardless of reputation. (This is my opinion.)
I will never use that particular vet again, regardless of the emergency.
Oh SQ... it is not your fault. Not one bit. These strange things happen... little Nicole is free and playing with all our rattie babies at the bridge.
I doubt it is anyone's fault....things happen. People make mistakes.....
I know it was terribly upsetting but like Jo said.....Little Nicole is free and playing at the bridge now.
You just did the best you could, sometimes stuff just happens and it's out of our hands. So sorry SQ and Godmother.

One of my rats got a staph infection after a biopsy and he died in 3 days.
Please notify the clinic responsible so they can take appropriate action to prevent this from happening again. I've known people with cats who've had similar life-threatening burns after a surgery, and the vet always changed the method of post-op warming after they were notified of the problem. It won't get her back, but it may save others.


Play hard, Nicole.
The day after Dr Foreman initially treated Nicole, she was made aware of what was happening with Nicole. At that time she mentioned that Nicole's skin looked burned and then said that she didn't think it was possible that the heat source she had used had caused the damage. I later let this vet know that Nicole had died.
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It is hard to know that there is no conclusive cause of death. Even if the skin problems were from burns, she appeared to be recovering from that. Nobody knows what caused the cecal impaction.

It is all very sad, whatever caused her death. She was a lovely little ratty girl, and I regret that I had so little time with her.
Godmother said:
It is hard to know that there is no conclusive cause of death. Even if the skin problems were from burns, she appeared to be recovering from that. Nobody knows what caused the cecal impaction.

It is all very sad, whatever caused her death. She was a lovely little ratty girl, and I regret that I had so little time with her.

At least you got to know eachother and she knew she was loved.


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