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That's so strange... please keep us updated, maybe take more pictures even if it's just for future reference for anyone else going through this.

I hope little Nicole is okay!
Hello, new here, was reading the thread about the spaying and saw the last few posts. Wanted to say I hope she gets well soon. I will add the precious ratty to my prayers tonight.
What happened to Nicole's ears is now happening to her back and sides.
They are bright red and hard like scabs.
I have called the vet on call and am waiting to get phoned back. Fortunately this vet also knows about treating rats.
I am afraid this will keep spreading and Nicole will die.

Oh no :( :( :( I wonder if it's an allergic reaction to something? I don't know, I'm trying to think of ANYTHING it could be...
Taking her off clavamox tonight and putting her on baytril instread in case this is an allergic reaction.
Also told by vet to wash her off in case it is a reaction to the revolution she got yesterday, although her ears were already red at that point ... but I thought it was just the light. :emb:

Wondering if it is stress induced pyoderma :sad3: as she was spayed on Wednesday and has ripped out and had her stiches replaced twice. ... gure_4.php

Edit: called the vet again and she said forget about washing her off as don't want to stress her.
It dose sound like it could be stress induced pyoderma, espicalll with just being spayed and pulling stitches out. do you have any pictures of her sides?
Poor girl :heart:
Give her kisses for me.
Sending good vibes your way :hugs:
Nicole's hair hasn't fallen out so it is hard to see unless you part her hair. The skin on her back and a bit on her sides down her back to her shoulder blades is bright fire engine red and feels hard, like a very very thick scab ... just the way her ears felt yesterday. :(
She is very active, eating, etc. and there isn't anyone else to help hold her so very difficult to get a picture of it.
Going back to the vet in two hours as it will be 8 am. Perhaps I can get a picture then.
It does sound a lot like Selene with her stress-induced pyo. It started as a funny feeling of thickness of the skin when I stroked her. When I parted her fur it wasn't read but blackish purple (beginning of necrosis).

Clav, baytril, and pain meds for her it sounds like. When I saw the ears I thought sarcoptic mites but not the body and how fast it is spreading.
Back from the vets.
Nicole has had the area shaved, it has been cleaned and ointment applied. I am to continue this three times a day.
Nicole was scratching it a bit at the vets.
We are very fortunate as there are only a very few vets in this city that know anything about treating rats and one of those vets is on call this weekend.
The vet told me to take her off the clavamox last night as it wasn't helping and I was told today to keep her off it for now. So today she is on baytril and metacam.
I was told that she needs to see her regular vet tomorrow.

Here are a few pictures I took in the bathroom as the light is better in there. You can see Nicole's back and her ears.



The vet and I both expect Nicole to lose most of her right ear


Poor little Nicole!! :sad3: I'm certainly no vet but it does look like stress-induced pyo! You were lucky that there was a vet on call this weekend that treats rats! I'll be sending healing vibes to her!
Oh poor girl. Need to find the right med combo. What I think it is... pyoderma due to staph infection from the vet's office when she was spayed. This has happened before. And could be why it spread so fast. Sending Nicole lots of healing vibes.
I'm told her spay looks good. Does that make a difference?
She did remove her stitches so she had a gaping incision and needed to go back to have the stitches redone both on Thursday and again on Saturday.

I certainly hope she is soon on the mend ...
I had 45 min.s sleep last night and 2 hours sleep the night before so I don't even know if I'm making sense anymore
Glad all of you are here because this is a nightmare.
Oh no, this is so scary! I'm sure you'll find the right treatment for her... poor you and poor Nicole!
Just went to clean it and apply more ointment.
The damaged area of Nicole's skin has grown past the area that was shaved this morning.
Waiting for the oncall vet to call me back.


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