Well-Known Member
I just joined this forum because no one in my family or friends has much interest in rats so I have no one to talk about this with. I love learning more about them and watching my girl's personalities come out. I have two girls and I'm hoping to get two more after quarantine is up in my state. I love my girls so much! One is named Pepper and she's around a year old. She was super depressed when I got her and she has definitely come out of her shell over time. She loves to play and get loved. Peanut is the cream capped (I think that's the name for her pattern) and she is sassier than her sister. She's also younger and has a lot more energy. I love her little attitude though and she is obsessed with baby food. I will attach pictures of both. I love seeing all your rats and learning new things about these beautiful little creatures! I also added a picture of baby peanut. She was so little!