Well-Known Member
We recently adopted two new girls a new are slowly working on integrating them into our old group. It’s been going well and they seemed to be making progress when there was a fight today. It wasn’t bad and I ended it quickly but Blossom got a scratch on her lower eyelid. I’ll attach pictures but it’s pretty much a tear in the bottom of her eyelid. I flushed it gently but haven’t done anything else as im afraid to put anything in her eye. Is there anything I can do to make sure it doesn’t get infected? We lost her sister a year ago to an advanced infection that started from a scratch in the eye so this makes me nervous. Im going to schedule a vet appointment tomorrow but I don’t know when they’ll have time (most vets in my area are booking out two weeks). Ive changed out the hammocks for clean ones and changed the liter to hopefully decrease the chance of infection but I don’t know how else to help. Any advice on how I can help to avoid infection and keep her comfortable as it heals? Thank you!