Thanks for your quick responses. I am on the phone with Erik as I am housesitting for my mom. Here is a picture of her: ... 6a.jpg?v=0
She was squirming a lot and you can't really see the porphyrin around her nose very well.. but it's pretty bad. She's not having any problems eating or anything, by the way.
No her feet, tail, etc. are not blue. She is using more of her abdomen to breathe however... that only means she's having difficulty getting air out.
She was 'treated' for her head tilt when she was younger, 6 months? She got the doxy/baytril combo then too. No injection. I'm starting to think that my old vet was not treating them for a long enough time. Her head tilt treatment was for 10 days and the following doxy/baytril treatment 2 months ago was 10 days as well... we actually treated them until the doxy ran out and then stopped. So it was longer than 10 days, but I'm not sure exactly how much longer.
I switched vets and now Molly and my rat Maya are on Baytril for 20 days. Molly is getting 0.08ml of a 37.5 mg/ml Baytril. I don't have her weight. Maya is getting 0.1ml from the same bottle of Baytril and weighs 360 grams. You can do the math!! Erik says its approximately 288 grams. Molly is 2 years old now.
Yes, the swollen face and the massive quantity of porphyrin are relatively recent (within the last 2 weeks).. her breathing issues are older but have never been anywhere this severe.
The lump on her face is quite hard. She has a small lump on her belly that is soft and moveable and feels quite different. My first vet suggested having the belly lump removed but it has shrunk since seeing her 2 months ago and doesn't bother her at all. I'm wondering if the lump on her face is cancer.. It feels a lot harder than the mammary tumor that I just had removed from Maya.
I'm going to call the vet tomorrow for Erik and see if they can fit her in sometime during the week..