Hi there i took my rat Maddy to the vets today to have a large lump removed, it wasn't a tumor, she has been stitched from her back leg all the way up to front leg and she has pulled out a couple of stitches, its about a centimetre long and half a cm wide and looks quite raw i cant stop her from messing with it because she hasn't let me touch her all day poor thing is really grumpy right now which is understandable but will prove to be a problem when trying to transport her back to the vets as i can't take her in her cage as its too big. Thing is i don't know if i should take her back to the vets or see if it heals itself, i have antibiotics for her and she's eating/drinking fine and there's no signs of heavy bleeding i'm just really worried that i'll wake up tomorrow to see a terrifying mess.