More neuters --Test results.....

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Your guess is as good as mine. I found out when I picked the boys up that when they are neutered the Inguinal cavity or wall has to be closed so they dont have these hernias happen. I would say that she did and it didnt take but after this I am guessing since so far 3 of my boys have these hernias and two had testicles remaining that she did not do it.

This stress is wearing on me worse than when I had almost all of them sick.
Crud, can't see the latest image of normal anatomy.
Glad your boys made it through the surgery OK. I hope they continue to heal well.
I'll be very interested to find out the test results.
So is the hernia a result of botched surgery? Or just a normal risk of surgery? I don't think my vet did anything special to prevent a hernia with my boys and they didn't have any problems. I think you would want to avoid having any internal sutures as they have such a high risk of reactions to it.
Ugh, what you and your rats have been through is the stuff of nightmares :(.

Yeah I'm curious about the hernia thing too, I only just got my first boy and he was already neutered.
Joanne said:
Crud, can't see the latest image of normal anatomy.
Glad your boys made it through the surgery OK. I hope they continue to heal well.
I'll be very interested to find out the test results.
So is the hernia a result of botched surgery? Or just a normal risk of surgery? I don't think my vet did anything special to prevent a hernia with my boys and they didn't have any problems. I think you would want to avoid having any internal sutures as they have such a high risk of reactions to it.

I took the image from the rat guide :) maybe you can see it on there. ... system.php

both the vets I had do neuters tell me they stitch or tie off not sure, the wall so they dont have hernia show. I never had a hernia or an abscess from any of the surgeries they did and they did a few of them for me and tons of spays and tumor removals.

it is totally botched but it is beyond me how she could get them all out of Algernon but not my two blue boys...
jorats said:
Oooh, thanks for that pic! I like informative pics. :)

Not so warm, soft and fuzzy looking now are they?

They called to check on Loki not long after I got home, I jumped on the chance to find out what it was. I could hear the dr laughing and she was cracking up over me telling her we were trying to google what it was....
I seem to go from one phase to another. Yesterday I had panic attacks all day and most of the night. Then when I went to bed I became so livid I couldnt help but figure how to do half the damage she has done to me and put it on her.

Loki is finally eating something half way solid-peas. He lays by the water bottle and drinks it and he also drinks ensure/baby food. I had the dreaded walk to the cage this morning because I was terrified he would pass on me through the night.

Emotionally I want to cry. I do not understand how she messed up so bad on these guys. I am so pissed at myself for taking them there that I cannot see straight. I am dumbfounded at this and I get more mad every time i see Loki walk, you can tell he is hurting. That surgery was so rough on him and it shouldn't of happened because we did this in march! I did my recovery with him and now i am doing it again because she mutilated my boys.

My poor vet he charged me $45.00 yesterday for each surgery which is what he charged me for Templeton. I told him when we were in the room that the deal was $95.00 not $45.00 so he can have the woman fix it and charge me the right price. He said well it is up to you, i told him he is the only thing getting me through this because there is no way I could have paid for this without him doing this at the discount that he is doing. He said it is just so sad that this is happening. I love them honestly. You can see the care in their eyes and voice. My rats are becoming a hit there the girls will call extra to check on them :) When it is all said and done and i get the money, i am totally buying that office lunch. Maybe i will take a few rats to celebrate with LOL

And you all need a thanks to because mentally I could not imagine going at this alone. No one in my real life will get it LOL but I know I can come here and people will get it. So thank you all for being my support as always! :heart:
With the incompetence of most (if not all) vets in my area, this post makes me more terrified than ever to have to ever need a neuter done on my boys. I'm sorry about your troubles regarding this and I wish Loki luck and a speedy recovery... <3
KayRatz said:
With the incompetence of most (if not all) vets in my area, this post makes me more terrified than ever to have to ever need a neuter done on my boys. I'm sorry about your troubles regarding this and I wish Loki luck and a speedy recovery... <3
Please don't be discouraged by this one bad vets mistakes. Most surgeries go off without a hitch, I've had a lot of surgeries, even invasive ones like e-spays, and the worst complication I've ever dealt with is an abscess.

Also, if you really are concerned about a particular vet, you can see if any disciplinary actions have been taken against them by the board of veterinary medical examiners (or whatever it is called in your particular state.
I'm concerned about all the vets around here regarding rats lol, the one I have now is okay but not great and won't have it if I try to share my opinon :wallbang: But at least he's decent, better than the last one I went to.
God this makes me so furious!!

Dear if you have a camera or something to record your boys do it, that way you can show a judge just how much pain they have been through because of this lady

Make sure you get copies of everything, vet appointment, bills etc. I know i'm probably telling you stuff you already but some people get so distracted when there made.

Many good lucks, wishes and prays for you.
I have been. My vet has been amazing at helping me document it all and not just part of it. Which is why he took photos this time and sent it off again so i can have more paperwork to back me up. I wont stop till i get it all back, not just part of it. I dont care what i have to do.
hopefloats said:
I have been. My vet has been amazing at helping me document it all and not just part of it. Which is why he took photos this time and sent it off again so i can have more paperwork to back me up. I wont stop till i get it all back, not just part of it. I dont care what i have to do.

Indiana seems to have some nuts in the vet area. Glad you found someone good and willing to help you.
hopefloats said:
I have been. My vet has been amazing at helping me document it all and not just part of it. Which is why he took photos this time and sent it off again so i can have more paperwork to back me up. I wont stop till i get it all back, not just part of it. I dont care what i have to do.

If you did go to court would your vet testify for you as an expert witness?
crumbilina said:
hopefloats said:
I have been. My vet has been amazing at helping me document it all and not just part of it. Which is why he took photos this time and sent it off again so i can have more paperwork to back me up. I wont stop till i get it all back, not just part of it. I dont care what i have to do.

If you did go to court would your vet testify for you as an expert witness?

Not sure but I bet if I asked him he would show up. I will be having him give me another etailed report on this one to send off..... two more boys then I can put this mess behind us. I wish you guys could see his reaction and his concern on his just totally makes my day.

On the bright side loki came to the door when I came home from work and tried to walk out of the cage. I think tomorrow I will clean the top half of the cage and put them with ludo and templeton I am sure they miss their brothers.
I've read every post, but I still don't understand...
So the vet removed the testicles along with something else?! Or left part of them inside? What happened???

I can tell it sounds bad. I am so so sorry for you, and I hope your court visit makes so much noise that no one will ever visit that vet again. From what you're saying, Loki seems to be healing up. I hope it's true. Hugs and kisses and best wishes to you and your poor, poor boys. :sad3:
well on Templeton she removed half the testicles on his right side.... On loki it looks like she left the whole thing or most of it. He said the bottom was starting to discolor but it didnt turn colors yet. Probably because i have had them on abs for months because of the problems they were having.
Still a bit slow moving but loving the head rubs. I will be putting them back in the big cage with Templeton- Loki's brother and Ludo who is Algernon's brother. They seem good though. I don't see a lot of swelling on either and we haven't had any bleeding, which is why they kept him longer I guess he wouldn't stop bleeding. When I do the move I will get some pictures.

Thinking back I remember how they all look so swollen after their neuters in march. At that time I only had experience with one neuter which was toby. I haven't had any swelling with the neuters that i have had with the good vets. So I am guessing swelling after neuters is not common?

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