I really appreciate everyone's support so, so much. I haven't gotten a lot outside of the forum, so it means a lot.
I think I may have already found a prospective cagemate for Yuna. There's a woman who fosters rats in Ames, about 45 minutes north from me. I saw she was putting up two handsome boys for adoption, so I contacted her about cages (since she was also selling one) and any single females she knew of. She said she had one, a 2 1/2 month old Siamese girl. This is her before her smeeze came in...
http://www.flickr.com/photos/rileymaiphotography/5273349008/in/set-72157624691763479/ (This picture and the next picture over are her.)
This is her as of last night.
Her foster mom is completely understanding of needing to take some time before maybe acquiring her girl. She said she hasn't had too many prospective homes and was to the point where if she hadn't been homed in a month, she would just keep her for herself. She also has a roomy quarantine cage available -- yay!
I'm a lot better today, more stoically sad than prone to crying fits. Yuna's doing pretty well, too. She's eating and drinking just fine, but has built an enormous nest over the spot where Lulu passed and spends most of her time in there instead of running around. But I suppose it's just her way of grieving, too. I'm making sure to take her out of the cage and handle her often and give her lots of carrots and grapes. I think if and when we adopt the new little one, she'll perk back up. I hope she'll accept the new rat.