Lethargic rat

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2019
Minnesota, USA
First off, I'd like to say: I have called every exotic animal vet within an hour's drive of me and they're all at capacity and don't have any appointments open. I did call back my vet and make an appointment for Wednesday afternoon (this was the earliest I could get him in). But I do plan to call all of those vets back to see if they get openings for today or tomorrow. This post is just asking what you guys' opinion on my rat, and ways I can make him comfortable until he gets seen.

Murtagh is a nine month old intact male rat. He was acting perfectly fine up until this morning. I found him curled up and puffy furred at the bottom of his cage. I've since picked him up and moved him so that he is next to food and water bowls, along with water bottles. He has not moved since I placed him there an hour ago. I don't see or feel any injuries on him. I rat phoned him and his heart sounded a little fast, but he always gets worked up when I pick him up. His lungs sound clear, but he was taking shallow breaths. When I pick him up, he feels limp. He normally tenses up when I pick him up. He was also just pooing, almost without control. He doesn't usually poo on me when I pick him up. All of his poos looked normal (they weren't fear poos either, since they weren't smelly or runny).

He is still with his cagemates, as I want to avoid stressing him out. I picked up and listened to all of my other rats and they all feel and sound normal. Literally nothing has changed in their cage. No new foods, water, bedding, hides, or anything. Nothing has changed in my home either. Since he isn't moving, I might move him into a big hide so that's he warm and surrounded by his brothers. This hide is next to a water dish and food dish. I tried offering him a puff and malt paste, and he showed no interest. He does react when I pet him and come to check on him.

Any and all help is appreciated. I'd attach a picture, but he looks normal. Just puffy furred and curled up.
Message lilspaz and ask her to look at this.

By the way, long time, no see! Hope your boy is OK!
Message lilspaz and ask her to look at this.

By the way, long time, no see! Hope your boy is OK!
Yeah long time no see. Little bummed this is my coming back post, but I'm worried about my boy.

UPDATE: I brought Murtagh to the vet. The vet took a feel of his organs and said his organs didn't feel enlarged in his abdomen and his kidneys felt fine. They took some x-rays of his chest and said his heart, lungs, and (what they could see of it) liver all looked perfectly healthy. He didn't have a heart murmur either. Blood work was suggested, but was quickly dismissed. They didn't want to sedate him because he was so lethargic. Plus, the vet suggested that the blood work would be a double-edged sword. If anything did pop up, it was something they likely wouldn't be able to treat (he seemed to indicate he thought this was a kidney issue if it isn't encephalitis.).

The only thing the vet noted was that Murtagh was acting like he was exhausted and he was underweight, indicating he was losing weight prior to Monday. I've been meaning to weigh my rats, but have just been lacking.

For now, we're treating for encephalitis since that's the only other treatable option we have. He is on an anti-biotic and anti-fungal for 14 days. The anti-biotic is enrofloxacin. He's give 0.1ml every 24hr. The anti-fungal is panacur liquid. Same dose and frequency as the anti-biotic. The vet plans to call me this coming Tuesday to see how he's doing.
How is Murtagh doing? I had a rat that had meningitis, similar but not the same. I have a thread on here somewhere if you want to search for it (Zeus meningitis)
First off, I'd like to say: I have called every exotic animal vet within an hour's drive of me and they're all at capacity and don't have any appointments open. I did call back my vet and make an appointment for Wednesday afternoon (this was the earliest I could get him in). But I do plan to call all of those vets back to see if they get openings for today or tomorrow. This post is just asking what you guys' opinion on my rat, and ways I can make him comfortable until he gets seen.

Murtagh is a nine month old intact male rat. He was acting perfectly fine up until this morning. I found him curled up and puffy furred at the bottom of his cage. I've since picked him up and moved him so that he is next to food and water bowls, along with water bottles. He has not moved since I placed him there an hour ago. I don't see or feel any injuries on him. I rat phoned him and his heart sounded a little fast, but he always gets worked up when I pick him up. His lungs sound clear, but he was taking shallow breaths. When I pick him up, he feels limp. He normally tenses up when I pick him up. He was also just pooing, almost without control. He doesn't usually poo on me when I pick him up. All of his poos looked normal (they weren't fear poos either, since they weren't smelly or runny).

He is still with his cagemates, as I want to avoid stressing him out. I picked up and listened to all of my other rats and they all feel and sound normal. Literally nothing has changed in their cage. No new foods, water, bedding, hides, or anything. Nothing has changed in my home either. Since he isn't moving, I might move him into a big hide so that's he warm and surrounded by his brothers. This hide is next to a water dish and food dish. I tried offering him a puff and malt paste, and he showed no interest. He does react when I pet him and come to check on him.

Any and all help is appreciated. I'd attach a picture, but he looks normal. Just puffy furred and curled up.
be sure he doesn't dehydrate. Give him a thick liquid, like Ensure, in a spoon so he doesn't have to move to drink it. Food isn't a concern at the moment. It could be he had a stroke or seizure, common with rats of all ages, and needs time to get his strength back. If he's not any better in a day or two, he needs to see a vet, any vet that will take him. I'm sorry and hope he recovers

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