Well-Known Member
LOL. Thanks for the feedback.
I hope Phoe and Elphie make it clear who's second in line soon.
I used oatmeal the first time but it was totally ignored until they were back in their cages. The second intro I had apple slices but again, they ignored them completely. I think the tub stresses them out too much. I tried them out of the tub but that resulted in exploring and no interactions and Phoe hiding under my shirt.
Our bathroom is gross, lol! It's the one thing we were really hesistant about signing the lease for. The tub was like...coated in brown. >< The mat was nice when it was new in September, haha, now it's...disgust. jammies have a hole in the bum but...shhh... :lol:
I used oatmeal the first time but it was totally ignored until they were back in their cages. The second intro I had apple slices but again, they ignored them completely. I think the tub stresses them out too much. I tried them out of the tub but that resulted in exploring and no interactions and Phoe hiding under my shirt.
Our bathroom is gross, lol! It's the one thing we were really hesistant about signing the lease for. The tub was like...coated in brown. >< The mat was nice when it was new in September, haha, now it's...disgust. jammies have a hole in the bum but...shhh... :lol: