jorats said:
I'd start adding PC right from the get go. And I would allow them to get tired together and see where they choose to sleep. You might be surprised and see them go to each other to cuddle during nap time. You really need that extra time together.
Friday was truly amazing. Skittles had been to the vet in the morning, and she always stresses when I take her on that long ride. It's a good 2 1/2 hours start to finish, and the rest of the day, she just wanted to be near me whenever I was home. So I kept her close. We really bonded.
Somewhere around 10pm we started intros, and all was as usual. But at one point, all the ratties seemed to need a rest. At that point, Petit Chef and Trust cuddled together under a cardboard tent, and Skittles stayed alone under the log bridge. And then it happened... Skittles backed out of her snug,safe space, and walked over to the cardboard tent, and eased her way in at the side, next to Trust. For the first time ever, all three ratties were side by side during rest time.
I just stood there with my heart in my mouth... what will happen now?
Well, PC decided 3 was a crowd I guess,and he just walked out, but Skittles and Trust stayed together for some time. They cuddled some and groomed. But that wasn't the end of it for PC for the night. Before the intros were over, he was behaving kindly with Skittles too, 'though no cuddles.
Then came Saturday night, and I was hoping we'd see more of the same, but this time, each rattie took their rest time separately. Even PC and Trust were not resting together during intros. But PC did interact a bit more with Skittles for a while. In a few cases, I wasn't quite sure if PC was going for Skittles' feet, so I erred on the safe side and interrupted them gently.
oops... forgot to add a few photos ... here it is Trust greeting Skittles in the log bridge:
and here are all three together looking over the edge of the earth.. er... I mean table
