the very first time out on the floor, each one of them ended up with a small wound, most look more like small slices but one could be a little bite. all scabbed up and very small, I check each day for swelling etc but seems to be healing well.
what I've been doing now is letting Dre and Norry cling to their mumma LOL so that's what they do for most of the time. I can't put Dre and Norry on the floor with New Guy, I have to hold them. If they are on the floor when I add the new guy, he puffs up immediately and goes for them
I did push him back with a tshirt but then he lunged and bit my shirt sleeve til he'd calmed down.
by then Norry and Dre were snuggled up safe on me.
that was yesterday. Today I let Norry and Dre have the whole play area first and let New Guy watch and boy does that bother him LOL he was puffed up and doing that pawing that they do to leave their scent, you know? OH he was in Norry and Dre's cage at the time, he started out in his own cage but he was climbing the walls wanting out so I let him have the bigger cage.
he spent a lot of time puffed out and marking things and trying to reach out of the cage. Finally after maybe a half hour or more, he calmed down and went and ate.
When Norry and Dre were showing signs of being bored, I took them and put them in his cage, and then took New guy out and let him run, as soon as new guy was out, I put Norry and Dre back in their own cage. I can't handle the three all at once, New guy is not easy to hold, when he wants something he claws and squirms like crazy lol
so i have to do things in stages
so, New Guy had a long long time out and then I made a very very small pen, goT all three of them and held my boyz on my lap while New Guy checked out the area and got ticked off because he couldn't get out
he sniffed NOrry and Dre several times but didn't come up on my lap right away
he nipped at Dre's face and Dre got down for a little while but got scared and jumped back on my lap.
a couple of times New guy tried to go at the boys by coming up behind my shirt from behind me but I picked him up and moved him
and when he puffed up and started to climb up on me all puffy, i picked him off and sat him on the floor. He started out puffy and got puffier, otherwise I would have let him keep going to see if he backed off or got less puffy.
each time he approached the boys on my lap, if he was a bit puffy and calmed down i praised him and if he approached them and sniffed them and stayed calm i praised him, well, all of them really (good boy good boys, etc) I have found he needs me to talk very slowly but firmly- in the past I"ve had good results wiht hushed words repeated frequently (it's ok, you're ok, is what i've used in the past with rats) but he likes fewer words said with more confidence and slower.
This kinda of makes sense, as his two moms used few words, and spoke slowly. guess that's what he's used to. I tend to be a chatter box LOL
also probably explains why he doesn't have any reaction to the name they gave him I dont think they talked to him the way I talk to all my rats. I give htem a running commentary of what i'm doing or whats' on tv etc etc LOL
hey I live alone! i gotta talk to someone
so back to the floor session- New Guy spent a lot of time sniffing my other two, and that went ok. New Guy was puffed up at first, but the longer he sniffed them, the calmer he got.
he was on my lap with them and didn't try to bite or nip them, and only power groomed them each a tiny bit, then sat there just looking all pleased with himself so I figured that was a good time to end it
its going to take a long time, I think for these guys to work things out. I am seriously considering getting new guy de- balled
he seems way too territorial to me.
he does that paw patting thing and climbs over things to pee on them and just seems to be saying MINE MINE MINE MINE!!
Norry and Dre are sweet gentle guys, I think the new fella is a bit too much for them the way he is now
if he's really past puberty, shouldn't he be less hormonal and calmer?
oh he did nip at my hand when it was curled up inside my sleeve. he's never done anything more than that but he has gotten over stimulated a few times and nipped lightly.