Well-Known Member
Here we go again with the guessing games. :cheeky:
The patient this time is old Oliver who is at least 25 months old. He's been relatively healthy since he arrived, although he was malnourished but time took care of that. Now he's much older, not as spry and recently I thought he injured his eye, it got porphy, squinty and it looked sunken in... I watched him carefully and put eye ointment on just in case. The eye was not fixing itself, and the other night when I pulled him out I saw he had a small head tilt and was dizzy and unbalanced. So I started treating him for inner ear infection, but its still not really doing much. Tonight once I had him pancaked in my lap I felt over his face gently but found a hard mass under his jaw and under his I thought tumour...BUT his ear is very liquidy when you rub it, and he shakes his head a lot like you would with inner ear infection. I put some injectable baytril into his ear (boy he thought I was trying to kill him, and shrieked!), but once it was in I gently rolled and rubbed the base of his ear to work it down the canal and he started bruxxing.
Sweet old man. What is up with you? :sad-p:
You can see the lump here
Sweet cuddler
Licking when I hit the right spot LOL
The patient this time is old Oliver who is at least 25 months old. He's been relatively healthy since he arrived, although he was malnourished but time took care of that. Now he's much older, not as spry and recently I thought he injured his eye, it got porphy, squinty and it looked sunken in... I watched him carefully and put eye ointment on just in case. The eye was not fixing itself, and the other night when I pulled him out I saw he had a small head tilt and was dizzy and unbalanced. So I started treating him for inner ear infection, but its still not really doing much. Tonight once I had him pancaked in my lap I felt over his face gently but found a hard mass under his jaw and under his I thought tumour...BUT his ear is very liquidy when you rub it, and he shakes his head a lot like you would with inner ear infection. I put some injectable baytril into his ear (boy he thought I was trying to kill him, and shrieked!), but once it was in I gently rolled and rubbed the base of his ear to work it down the canal and he started bruxxing.
Sweet old man. What is up with you? :sad-p:

You can see the lump here

Sweet cuddler

Licking when I hit the right spot LOL