Inca...Allergy Issues? PT instead? One Last Try

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Well i will be putting her on daily dex now, every 2nd day wasn't working...she's in my lap right now gobbling food at its 12:35 am. I am not counting just syringing it into her as fast as she wants it. I think we'll take this day by day.
13 cc's of her favourite this morning, then I helped her groom (I hold or balance her while she grooms :D) Then it was time for scritches...even through she's frail, had another big setback last night, she still flops and stretches out for her scritches...the little tongue flicks in and out when I get A Spot. Then she bruxxes in my arms. :heart:

I remember after she arrived and had her infected stump removed, I would see her itchy and trying to scratch her bad side. That little stump would move furiously. I would reach in to help her an she would run from me, she didn't trust me in the least...this went on for a long time. Now she elicits scratches and rubbing... :mrgreen:
We have had some really icky ups and downs when stupid me realized she regressed and responded really well to the dexamethasone. Like a PT rat might. She has very few classic symptoms but her response today got me to try one more thing. I have started her on bromocriptine and I will know within 3 days whether it will work or not. She gobbled 15 cc's down tonight, very bright eyed, but also very wobbly.
Had to give Inca another dex injection last night...sigh. But today she is gnawing on her blocks, not eating as much of her liquidy foods as I think she's full from real food. Today I didn't syringe feed her as she was eating out of a bowl on her own after eating her bromo from the chinese spoon.

She loves to sleep under the pillows now, her Rat Cave.


I have to stop thinking of how much she has changed and look at her as an Oldie...she's mostly content, bruxxes when I hold her, looooves her scratches, still tries to tell me that she needs to pee and needs off of me :) She's coming up on 2.5 years which for a girly like her is very very good. :thumbup:

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