Thank you Renee I will have to look into it more. I know she will need a buddy and just wondering should I get a younger rat or a older rat if I am to need one. And is there any video that you recommend to introduce rats to eachother
IMO I would get a younger rat because they're easier to introduce

I think there are many ways to do introductions but here's how I do it:
1. You are supposed to quarantine the new rat for 2 weeks in case of any illness or diseases she has. I keep each cage in a separate room.
2. After the 2 weeks, I put the cage in the same room so they can get used to eachothers smell
3. You can start switching things out between cages, such as trading hammocks or bedding.
4. Within a few days, I switch their cages. Sometimes I see rats puffing up their fur when in the new rats cage, this is just a sign that they recognize there is a new rat and they are not happy about it, which is why introductions need to be slow.
5. I allow my rats to meet on a neutral ground such as a bathtub. I lay a towel down and put treats and toys everywhere.
6. Keep repeating 5 until they are completely okay with each other. You are not supposed to break up fights unless there is blood because rats have a natural hierarchy system and need to establish it. If the fight happens to be bad and with blood, break it up with a towel, not your hand.
7. When the rats are happy with each other, I allow them to meet in my normal play time area and I see how they do. If it's not good, I let them meet again in the bathtub.
8. Eventually your rats will be okay with each others existence and will be able to coexist in the same cage
Keep in mind this is just what I do and many other people have other things to say