By the ways guys, as this was the last place I posted about Queenie's illness, I thought you might want to know what happened. I didn't want to post this before because I was terrified there might have been something I could have done to have helped her, but what's done is done I guess, and I always did my best for her, and can learn from mistakes - that's what i'm here for.
Anyway, she got very ill very quickly in a matter of days, she stopped drinking and eating. The weirdest thing was that she couldn't move her back legs. The new vet, who specialises in small animals said it was 'nothing simple' (no lumps or respiratory problems) she was very neurological; her back legs just wouldn't move properly, they were moving in circles almost, she just couldn't take steps with them. the vet said the best option was to have her put to sleep, and so that's what I did.
Has anyone ever had a Rat with a similar problem?