Help with introductions please!!!

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Hi guys
Have a good few days with intros. Miner much calmer and babies are much more relaxed around him. Odd small scufffle but no miner fuzzing up or anything. Have moved onto the sofa as a more common ground last couple of days and it's gone well. Little bits of play and pinning. One of the babies even pinned miner at one point which he didn't seem to mind. Things got a bit heated tonight. Nothing major but bit of fuzzing up from miner and few rougher scuffles. Do I go back to the bath or persevere on the sofa for a bit longer?
Each time you move to a different part of the intros they may be minor scuffles and noises. It they are not drawing blood or being harmed I would stay where you are but you can say the name of the rat that is being naughty and a lot of the time they will look up knowing they are being bad.
Well, this is where we're at...
Miner seems to be pretty comfortable with one of the babies (jagger, who seems to be the less dominant of the youngsters) Rizzo however (more dominant youngster) is getting very alpha rattish with miner and it's getting pretty rough. Miner seems reasonably settled with him but when Rizzo gets aggressive... Miner reacts. Not sure where to go from here really. I am using their names when they start getting 'alpha male' and miner seems to take notice but the little one just seems intent on fighting and doesn't care.
I feel like the boys are never going to live together :(
We are still on common ground at the moment.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


So today I have put all three in the cage together. All good. Couple of scuffles but nothing major. Miner seemed to be having fun playing with the youngsters. Hours gone by, then all of a sudden. Miner attempts to castrate jagger. Really... Testicle hanging out.. I'm on my way to emergency vets. What the heck happens from here???? I am demented
You must have missed the end part of my post...miner ended up biting jagger so hard on the scrotum that he half castrated him. Jagger ended up having emergency surgery (and fully castrated) overnight. Needless to say...I've removed the youngsters from miners cage. Plan from here is the go ahead and have all three neutered ASAP. The babies are now about 4.5 to 5 months old so I guess they've reached sexual maturity. This is awful. Poor jagger. I've been up with him all night. Miner is 18 months old. What do you think about his age regarding neutering? I just don't know what else to do.
Any responses would be greatly appreciated. I'm a veterinary nurse so I know all the pro's and cons etc but as an owner, I go to pieces when it's my own pets x
The boy that bit him meant business. when they bite they testicles it is a major sign of a mean boy. The worst kind at that. i had boys that way, did that very thing to my boy named Jagger LOL he had to be neutered from the damage. In the end they all lived together in harmony but I went on a neuter spree. no balls were safe around me. After the neuters i would wait about 4 weeks to make sure all the evil hormones are out. I have had plenty of boys done at that age it is never to late to get rid of those angry testicles and he will be a better man rat for it :)
Thanks for the advice. The other two are booked on Friday. Just so surprised because miner has always been such a softie. Wasn't even the alpha male with his brother! Jagger has recovered very well though so fingers crossed the other two will too

Thanks again
Crazy boys can flip like a light switch! It is insane. Hopefully they will get along better, just give them a couple of weeks to heal up and then you can try intros again. If it fails then too wait a few more :)

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