Harness for rats

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
Moncton, NB
Wasn't really sure where to post this. I was wondering if any one takes their rats outside during the summer time and if you use a harness?
I wanted to see if I could get the girls used to the harness 'cause I thought it'd be interesting to take them outside in the summer. But lol they don't like that idea. They don't stay very still for me to put it on, and when I think I got it on they wiggle out of it lol
I had to give them a treat afterwards so they wouldn't hate me lol they still love me...or love me for my treats maybe lol
Anyways, thoughts on this?
Some people take their rats outside.

I don't.
Too many predators ... birds, cats, etc.
Plus rat diseases are airborn and easily spread so I don't take my rats out to public places ... except for when we go to the vet.
I bring my boys outside. I dont bring them out on a harness, they always come back to me because i am their safety zone. I have never had problems. I have them out for hours in the summer. I always check them over for fleas. but i have had good luck so far. I wouldnt worry about it. If you want to bring them out bring them out. :)
When I didn't have so many, I used to bring them outside. You have to make sure it's a safe area, not right in the middle of the day with the bright sun.
I've tried harnesses on my guys and they were miserable and wiggled their way out.
well boo will stay in a harness but i dont have a problem with him running. They will wonder a few feet and to my amazment come hobbling and hopping back to me lol little cowards. If i walk away from them when they are in the gras, they will fallow my feet :roll: most rats can be easily trained to do this. Im not sure how close of a bond you have with your fuzzys but mine automatically come hopping back. they even know the difference between me and another person. its great. Smart boys :lol:
I try and get my rats outside daily in the nice weather.......I have two outside cages, one that sits on the grass, no bottom, one on the patio.........Of course they don't go outside alone....or when the weather is hot..I take them out when I go out to read..or to help me eat me breakfast on the patio... :lol: They have never tried to dig out but of course I am right there watching them.......They seem to love it....sniffing the air, hunting for the goodies that I have thrown in the grass........
I have used a harness on my rats and they have gotten used to it....put it on for short periods at a time and offer goodies while they are wearing it. I only used my harness when I was taking my rats in public and they would be out of the cage....like for different educational advents...I work at an animal shelter so sometimes we take animals out for the public to see how wonderful they are...... the harness gives me something extra to hold onto, plus it makes the ratties look more like "pets" to the public.
don't think I would actually use a harness to "walk" them because they can wiggle out of them.........
I don't take my girls outside for fear or their being pesticides on the grass. I live right next to the road and the city sprays for bugs and weeds. Plus I put down stuff in the backyard for fleas so the backyard is a no no also.

You could also make them a dig box, just get a large cat litter box some sterile unfertilized soil and some bird seed mix, water and let it grow. My girls love it. Throw away the soil and grass after you let them play in it two or three times it tends to get moldy and just start all over.
I've taken Gloria and Raina on the deck with me. They run right back to me once they've sniffed what ever they were sniffing lol and then they go exploring again.
The digging box is a good idea, maybe I'll do that. i read about those I think some people used sweet grass?
I like the idea of having them outside in a cage where they can be on the ground but have the increased safety of the cage, plus there person right with them.

But I know how fast predators can move so I would be very cautious having them outdoors. When a bird grabs a kitten or cat and flys away with it, there is nothing you can do ... We have lots of ospreys and eagles in Fredericton, in NB (and I assume NS), and they do take pets as well as wild rabbits and smaller animals.

As for taking rats out in public ... wouldn't that be very similar to going into a pet store and coming home to your ratties without taking precautions not to spread airborn diseases. Or similar to not doing a quarantine of a new rat? Just wondering because the people you meet could have just come from a pet store, have a sick rat at home, etc. and be carrying the viruses thus transferring it to your rat.
Not many people will touch them unfortunately, I think the risk would be very small and education is very important. To me anyway.
As a person who has worked in a rescue organization for many years you can't fix the problem unless you educate the people. People will continue to think of rats as dirty rodents unless we can let them see them in a different lite......again just my opinion but I live for the day when all animals will be valued and treated kindly....Plus this is not something that happens very often....maybe once or twice a year
I think the risk of having your rat out would be similar to taking your dog for a walk in public.......or yourself going to a mall........there is always going to be a risk of germs.
There are a couple of people on another Forum I belong to that regularly take their rats outside. One has an enclosed rat-escape-proof front porch that makes a great play area in the summer. Another person mounts a little cage on her bicycle and rides them around! She says that they seem to love the fresh breeze. Who knows? They can't see the scenery very well, but they probably enjoy the sensation of speed & they would enjoy the new smells.

Anyway, in both situations the rats have an interesting new experience and people get to see them. The woman who takes them on bike rides often stops to show them to people and to educate people about pet rats.

Our climate here is so extreme that I wouldn't like to take them out in summer or winter, but spring or fall might be an option if I had somewhere safe for them to be. Maybe my spare cage?

Or my playpen!! A Martin';s playpen would be perfect. We don't have any venomous snakes here.
A playpen...what a great idea Godmother. I might have to get one of those......I loved SQ's playpen...I would love to have one of those....where did you get yours??
All of you have good points. I guess it'll depend on where I am living this summer 'cause me and Ang are getting a place 'cause I'll be done university. We were looking at this playpen
Looks kinda neat and you can get a cover for the top too, though I don't think i'd get the top cover ''cause I'd want to sit in there with them lol.
Young rats and some girls will be able to get out of that playpen because of the large bar spacing.

Martins has a large powder coated play pen that many of us have.
or you can make an enclosed play area with cloroplast (sign board) - less expensive and works well.
lindsayfawn, without a lid on that playpen the rats will climb and escape. Same with the martins playpen, you really need the lid or they are out in a flash.

I agree with SQ, taking rats to the pet store is putting your babies' health at risk.
I certainly agree taking them to a pet store would put them at risk, the same as when an animal enters a shelter....when I said said we do public exposure I meant like setting up a both outside of a store or on our main street....... or in a school........and yes there is always a risk........but I don't think it is a huge risk, no more then letting people pet them who come to your home.
But I certainly wouldn't take them to a pet store or allow them to have contact with rats that I didn't know where healthy.
With respect to taking ones rats out - into the yard or into public places, it is a decision each of us makes.
But I think it is important to weigh the risks and take precautions.
Risk varies depending on where you live.

Air-born viruses do live in people's noses and could be easily spread to your rats by someone breathing near them ... at least that is my understanding. So exposing your rats to people you don't know in public is a risk as you don't know where those people have been (pet store perhaps) or if they have an ill rat at home.

I thought we were fairly safe in NB, never having had a reported case of SDA in the province ... but last spring there was a confirmed case of SDA from a pet store rat in Saint John, NB. Most pet stores in the maritime provinces get their rats (and other animals) from the same source. So we need to realize that we are not as isolated as we had thought and our rats are at risk.

Taking rats outside is a risk as they may become startled and bolt, pick up parasites, or become victims of predators such as birds and cats, to name just two. Staying with them and putting them in an outdoor cage as suggested by Dahlas, or in other types of cages as mentioned by godmother would greatly reduce the risk.

But taking your rats outside is not just a cute, fun thing to do.
It is a risk that needs to be carefully considered and precautions taken if it is something you decide to do.

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