Hannah - Mild Upper Resp Infection - When can I stop Meds??

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Hannah has been making sounds on and off for the past couple of months. But it was on and off ..usuallly when she would sniff things harder ..She got spayed and 3 tumors removed 2 months ago, obv she was checked over and everything was fine. She has never sneezed or has had porph with the sounds, nor has she ever been on meds, other than her surgery.
Got up this morining and she is making the sounds almost constant when up going around (excited) ..they will go away
for a min or two at a time. She sounds just like Toby (who has scarred lungs from repeat resp infections. She has tons of energry, no porph, no sneezes and is eating well. I took a video so that you can hear what she sounds like today.

This is what Toby sounds like and has for the past 4 months, but he has scarred lungs ..he makes these sounds when excited ..he is on no meds and is doing fine besides the sounds.

Both of them have to trouble breathing.

Suggestions for Hannah?

Edit: as most of you know my vet is on stress leave, leaving me with a vet that knows what he knows, and is not open to suggestion.

I do however have the following here:
Saline Nose Spray

She weighes 530 grams.
:wallbang: forgot to add, she is 23 months old and has only ever been on meds for surgery.
I'm sorry I can't help further, but I have a girl who has done this a couple of times but was never ill or on meds either? I wonder if it's purely an excited noise? I'm glad you posted this because it's hard to get a video of these things and I'm curious what others think as well. Good luck!
Grurder used to make these sounds her whole life. It was usually when we'd approach the cage, or she would get a shoulder ride or treat, etc.
She started at about 4 months with this kind of thing, and it never proved to be anything more than excitement. She was just a 'talker'.
Don't know if this is the same for your lady, that's just my experience with these noises.
Exodog said:
Grurder used to make these sounds her whole life. It was usually when we'd approach the cage, or she would get a shoulder ride or treat, etc.
She started at about 4 months with this kind of thing, and it never proved to be anything more than excitement. She was just a 'talker'.
Don't know if this is the same for your lady, that's just my experience with these noises.

Hannah seems to be calmed down, lying in the hammock with Toby, not making them. But if she gets up, she will make them again from excitement, Toby is the same way.

I know Tobys is from scarred lungs, but Hannah has never been sick.
The noises before were very randome and seldom, but now are pretty constent like Toby.

I just want to know if this is something to be worried about ..I hate these sounds.
smilez_n_hugs said:
I mean when you rat phone her....are any of the sounds actually in her lungs or are they all in her nose?

I suck at telling if its coming from the nose or lungs, but i just rat phoned her :giggle: ..and when I put my ear to her lungs, its not loud, but when I put it my her nose they are very loud ..so I assume from her nose.
smilez_n_hugs said:
If it's in her nose then I would give it another day before medicating in case there's just something irritating her nose.


She has always made sounds, but like I said, at random, usually when she sniffed alot or after being in a pocket hammie. Only today has she started making them more constant and louder. But she seems to be calmed down again now. Is it normal for them to make nose sounds on and off like she has? She was making them a good bit before her spay and tumor removal, but the vet said it was nothing to worry about (dont like putting them on meds unless the really need it)
Exodog said:
Grurder used to make these sounds her whole life. It was usually when we'd approach the cage, or she would get a shoulder ride or treat, etc.
She started at about 4 months with this kind of thing, and it never proved to be anything more than excitement. She was just a 'talker'.
Don't know if this is the same for your lady, that's just my experience with these noises.

Rats don't talk. If Grurder made those sounds her whole life it means she was somewhat congested that whole time. I agree that you should see if there's something irritating her breathing and see if it will go away on its own, otherwise take her to the vet to get abs if she keeps making them. If you can, steaming her may help her feel better in the meantime.
I dont have a vet to go to atm, he is on stress leave. Hopefully if she needs meds I can use baytril bc i already have it here. The sounds she made previous to these were on and off soemtimes a few times a day, then once in a week, etc and they were not as loud as today.
Ratty Momma said:
I dont have a vet to go to atm, he is on stress leave. Hopefully if she needs meds I can use baytril bc i already have it here. The sounds she made previous to these were on and off soemtimes a few times a day, then once in a week, etc and they were not as loud as today.

If your baytril or doxy was mixed when you got it, then it has an expiration date of anywhere from two weeks to a month after you got it, depending on how it was mixed/compounded. I would make sure this isnt the case before medicating as it might be dangerous to give expired drugs.
My bayril is pre mixed at vet every 2 weeks.. as eve is on it for life
Doxy is pills.
Pred is already mixed (should I not use this?) - told it was good for months.
FYI You can give the injectable Baytril orally. I buy a 50 ml bottle of injectable - the expiry can be a year+ away. It tastes awful, but I mix it in something like baby food or yogurt. It's nice because you can keep it on hand for a long time without worrying about it expiring. I dispense 10 - 15 ml of it into a smaller container and then keep the main jar tucked away.
I couldn't watch your video, but to me, if there is a definite CHANGE, then she has a problem. If things do not clear up in a day or two, I would take action.
so just incase I need to use it. Her weiighed in 537 grams. The baytril in inj. 25mg/ml. How much do i give :stickpoke:

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