Good thoughts - Update: My Nicky is gone :*(

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yeah, I saw it on only one of his eyes Sunday night. But on both last night. My vet and I were wracking our brains trying to think what caused both his eyes to ulcerate. I mean, I've seen eyes go dull as they are about to leave me...but Nick is still mobile to some extent. He feels like crap, but does still take his coolwhip/meds, and the occasional cookie. I just started to question everything.

I have also made a follow up appt for Nick for this Saturday. Of course, there's still a chance I could lose him before that. We certainly won't let him like this for much longer. He has to steadily improve. But hopefully he will and Saturday's appt will be to check his progress.

I'm just so upset over Nick. Not that I haven't got through a ton of rattie illnesses and passings over the last 9 years. But stuff like this just consumes me with worry....needless to say, I'm not getting any work done today. Come ON Nick!!! :sad3:
It is with a hugely broken heart, that I have to post of my Nick's passing. :cry3: :cry3:

I got home last night and he wouldn't even take a cookie. I just couldn't put him through any more. I had hoped that maybe our vet might have a miracle in her bag of tricks. While we waited in the lobby to be squeezed in between appts, Nick started to leave me. I quickly got in a room, as I knew I needed to be alone with him.

I held him as he took his last few breaths....and he was gone. :cry3: He was just so compromised and weak, that he didn't appear to suffer as he passed. Just laid in my arms and slipped away. :sad3: Our vet (who has become such a good friend) started crying and felt aweful that she couldn't get to us in time (she had two other emergencies)...but the truth is, she just couldn't have saved him. :sad3:

Nick is my 5th loss in just a couple of months. Although this isn't the first time I've lost several ratties in a short amount of time, this one just broke me :sad3: He was barely over a year old...and I adored him. :sad3:

Ben is visibly upset and now alone, without his brother and best friend. We have two beautiful spayed LMR girls who will be coming to us on Friday.....they were destined to be Nick and Ben's ladies....and Nicky never even got a chance to meet them. (huge sigh).

I brought Benny out with my group of 8 older girls (all spayed) in hopes he might get along with them, and can be integrated asap. There was minimal squeaking and protest from the I'm honestly hoping they will let him into their colony. Seeing how Benny is taking the loss of his brother....makes my heart hurt all the if he can get along with the will really help.

thank you all for your kind words and advice about my Nick. And please, if you ever have the opportunity to adopt retired lab ratties, please do too, will adore them so much. :sad3:
I'm so sorry to hear. It's times like this, we as humans wonder "how could we possibly do this again" yet there is something so special about these little creatures that makes us rescue more. You have a big heart :heart:
I'm so very sorry.
You gave him what he needed .. the time was much too short but you gave him the best life he could have ... soi glad he disn't suffer and that he had you and your love up until the end.
Oh Debbie... :sad3: :sad3: :sad3: :sad3: :sad3:

Just realize that he's in a much happier place, and not suffering anymore. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

He must've been such a cutie, and you obviously adored him. You did everything in your power but...unfortunately, nothing can defeat fate. -huge sigh as well-

:heart: :heart: :heart:
Thank you everyone for the support, kind words and condolences. I still miss my Nick something awful. He was just such a special sweet boy. :cry3:

I thought I'd use this opportunity to provide an update on Nick's brother Ben. Benny really mourned Nick. More than any other rat I've seen. I would hold him and he would literally whine squeek as I pet him. As if he was "crying" It just broke my heart. :sad3:

As some of you know, I had been anxiously awaiting two new little spayed ladies from LMR. They were to be Ben and Nick's girls. I had tried the boys with other girls (all of our's are spayed) in the past...but they were just too annoying with their boy ways. So these dear boys had been just the two of them since we adopted them 8 months ago.

Well, when Nicky left us, I had to do something for Benny fast, and I couldn't wait for the new girls to arrive. So we tried lonely Ben with our group of 8 girls (ranging from 18-26 months). Although it hasn't been the easiest transition for the girls, and Ben himself has had a bit of difficulting adjusting to 8 new cagemates....I'm happy to report I think it's going to all work out. They've been in the same cage for 4 days now, and just today, I came home to find Benny snuggled up with Maizie and Mouse. :happydance:

As for the new little girls, we have already started intro's with our younger group (2 neutered boys and three girls)....that's going very smoothly. :bunnydance:

All is at peace in our rattie land....for now.

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