Junior Member
Pumpkin?! I haven't seen a thing about pumpkin...can anyone tell me if pureed pumpkin is ok for the ratsies? I always have it in the house because its part of my dogs diet.
Pumpkin?! I haven't seen a thing about pumpkin...can anyone tell me if pureed pumpkin is ok for the ratsies? I always have it in the house because its part of my dogs diet.
Thanks for all the great info on nutrition! I've found my ratties love garbanzo beans. I include them with a variety of other foods (like kale & fresh fruit) as well as rat chow mix I get from the pet store. I noticed a couple of the items you mentioned like corn and raw peanuts are in the mixture I purchase. Are these ok?
For some reason my rats don't really care for any rat food I buy and prefer the fruits/veggies. I would like to start feeding a more natural diet and only a little bit of eat food. What kind of mix would be best to make? I was thinking a variety of nuts maybe rice or pasta but I'm not completely sure yet.
On other forums and in taking a VAA course, I have read things like onion an garlic to be bad for rats not good for them.
I'm still on the fence with soybean. Especially if it's one of the genetically modified food. But organic soybeans are good, the only issue really is the phytoestrogen and this is only not recommended if you have spayed females. For intact females, organic soybeans actually helps in the prevention of mammary tumours in that the phytoestrogen replaces the body's natural estrogen. It's a small benefit but still.
Does anyone feed their ratties yoplait yogurt?
Oh no worries I dont, i figured a handfull of food once a day is enough for all 3 of my boys, oxbow is what i feed, plus plenty of play time
So I saw an Instagram post recently where someone said that raw peas are not good for rats? That they need to be cooked. I’ve never heard this before and it seems like a lot of people give frozen peas to their rats.
can they have cheerios? like as a treat or put a bit in for their dietI wouldn't do oatmeal every day. It is 8% fat with 4% of that fat being saturates. yikes. With rats you want to keep the good fat under 5% with little to no saturates. Also, I believe the protein is a little higher with oatmeal.