Fat Rat needs serious help...

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You would need to take him into the vet to get him on Baytril. They would prescribe it for him.

If his belly is dragging the ground, I would definitely get some fleece on the floors of his cage. It'll really help make him more comfortable, and will also keep him from getting any scratches from the bars. It will also help keep his belly out of his urine and poo, which would cause some problems even with healthy skin.

Just keep what you're doing. Keeping him and his cage as clean as you can, compressing, and flushing should all make him better.
Alright, so I'll twist my mum's arm for another vet visit, and try to stay on top of it myself-I'm determined for him to get better and lose weight so he can enjoy his elderly months with little problem
oh I meant washing up bowl rather than the bathtub ^^ he's quite happy to sit with his front paws on the edge now too so that's good

took him to the vets today and got a bit of an unexpected shock...she seemed absolutely dead certain that he has indeed had an abscess, it had been scratched open and it's a good thing I drained it...but where I thought was just new skin underneath is in fact his abdomen wall!
I was pretty shocked and it made me really nervous but she seems confident that extra washes (with stuff she's given me) and a course of Baytril should sort it out, and let it scab and heal over properly
So I'm pretty optimistic :)

Tomorrow I'm going to buy a load of cheap fleece material to line the cage with (they're on Carefresh right now, and the bottom of the cage is like, ridged plastic)
jorats said:
Hi Argent! That is a big boy you've got there. :)
If in Canada, Extruxion for hamster will be ok for him too. It's lower in fat and protein as well.

Is that made by Oxbow too jo?
Good job! Abscesses are scary, but you managed to get it opened up. With the soft fleece and the Baytril, your ratty boy will be on the mend.

Hamster Extrusion is made by Living World. When you look for it in Walmart, just make sure that you don't accidentally pick up a bag of food for gerbils or guinea pigs. The bags are identical in shape and size, so you have to check the label.

Big kiss and a pat for your brave boy!
Awh thanks for all the support guys ^^
Being in the UK we don't have any Walmarts...but I'm gunna try ordering some food online-and buying in plenty of toys to get that fat off his waistline...
According to the vet, he's actually lost 50g since his last visit before Christmas-and all this time I thought he was getting fatter >.< it's his flabby skin that threw me...
You can get a small digital scale to weigh him yourself. Make sure it weighs in grams [more accurate] and has a large plate for them to stand on. You can get it at just about any office supply store, and they're usually not all that expensive.
we have digital scales...though since they're kitchen scales my mum's all "errr ratty germs.." so I should probably allocate a rat plate or something to do it on... *nods*
Here is my setup, always good to put something like fleece or gripping material on the bottom and in the tray, the tray won't slip off and the rat will be more comfortable on fleece than plastic. :)

I toss a square of fleece directly on the weighing plate. Tupperware scares my girls for unknown reasons. Fine to poop in, Evil when put on a scale. Remember to either subtract the weight of your setup or to tare it out before tossing your kiddo on. I've forgotten to do this at times and nearly had a fit at the idea of a 500g girlie.
Heheh thanks ^^ he is mah baby-always happy to sit and have a cuddle and a grooming session :)

Bad news or good?-the infected skin has disappeared as this wonder wash has worked it's magic, it doesn't smell as bad though there's a scarily big hole now, showing his abdominal wall...reckon the vet needs to glue him up? It's about 2cm long and 1cm wide... at least the infecton's dying...
ouchies....and that will heal over on its own!? it just seems like such a big gap but I'll keep up with cleaning and medication...
That looks just like Hunter's Neuter abcess!
(i dont know why i got excited there....)

We had his open for a long time (it recurred mind you - but that was a suture reaction i beleive) but initially we did intend for it to heal on its own.

I agree with lilspaz - Leaving it open to the air so it can drain if it still needs to is the best thing.

Im so glad everything seems to be healing up nicely! Abcesses can be scary things