Eye Colors

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
I have a question on rats eye colors. Can rats have blue eyes???

I swear our two blue boys have blue eyes, When ever I take a picture of them where its a close up their eyes always have a blue look to them.

Is that possible??
Rats can only have pink, ruby, or black eyes. I've seen some black eyed rats that seemed to have a blue tint to them, but I think it's more the way the light's reflecting than anything else.
I feel like there's some sort of membrane around the edge of the eye or something that has a blue tint in pictures, but that's my totally unscientific guess, lol! I find that the eyes themselves aren't blue in pictures, but just a section of them around the edges.

I was trying to upload a picture of the "blue eye phenomenon" but Imageshack is being a lamewad right now.
My Coal is like that, black eyes with a blue tint to the membrane around his eyes, it makes him look like he's got blue eyes but you only really see it when he gets excited and bulgy eyed or when he boggles :D

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