Ligaments generally connect bone to bone
Tendons connect muscle to bone
I think that both can be quite large... but I dunno about sizes
I just thought nerves because they come out of the spinal cord and are very hairlike.
This is about the extent of my knowledge for now - head is killing me and thinking is hard >.< lol
I miss anatomy class!
ETA: I was thinking the Cauda equina in mammals:
(I just wikipedia'ed it... terrible, I know, but there is a good pic from gray's)
I wonder how this works in rats...
ETA#2: Ignore my ramblings, I have no idea what I am talking about today. I'm glad I am not doing anything important! My brain has officially left my body. I think I'm going to go home.
lol The Cauda Equina nerves leave the spinal column before the tail so that the legs can be innervated >_< *facepalm*
This is going to bother me for a while... just because I used to know this nerve stuff (not applicable to Lilith as I am pretty reluctant to say those are nerves) Its just one of those things, like when you are trying to remember someones name and its just gone for the moment.
ETA#3: LOL again. But looking at the diagram here it looks like it is most likely tendons. I'm gonna look at their references now, since now im interested in seeing how the tail is innervated