Dry skin - Aveeno>?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2007
Gaithersburg, Maryland
I swear I had a post before about Dusty's skin, but I can't find it....

I was telling you all before how Dusty has some itchy skin on his one hind end, back behind a tumor he has. Been feeding him olive oil to help with that but maybe since the weather continues to get drier it hasn't done much.

I noticed Jorats mentioned using Aveeno on a hairless, wonder if it might be good on Dustys' dry skin?

What type of Aveeno? The cleansing soap to wash or cream to just put on the skin
I wouldnt think it would hurt. We use Suave Vitamen E lotion on Ducky once a week and he has been ok. He normally doesnt lick it off though :)

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