Doe's "girl parts" swollen

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
VIC, Australia
Hi everyone,

A few days ago, I noticed that one of my girls vulva didn't look quite right :/

She was on heat that day so I didn't really worry about it and have just been keeping an eye on her.


It doesn't seem to be bothering her, but it looks really nasty..

She is booked into the vet first thing Friday morning, but I was wanting to get a few opinions on what could be wrong with her first..
That looks like pus, does it smell like an infection? I think it might be pyometra.

You need a vet faster than Friday morning - I'd consider this an emergency, she could need a spay.
That doesn't look like she's in heat. I'm pretty sure she needs surgery and antibiotics as well. Getting her into the vet on Wednesday would give her the best chance at recovery.
That photo was taken today. She is not on heat today, but she was when I first noticed it.

There is no smell, that is the first thing I checked for when I noticed how bad it was looking today.

and Friday is the earliest appointment I could get and is during their emergency hours. They were closed over easter and are usually booked out weeks in advance. we are in a small town and they are the only vet.

also, it is wednesday here

Is there anything I can do for her until then?

Like, help keep the area clean?
You can try keeping it clean but if the infection is in her uterus, she needs medication and likely surgery. Can you at least call the vet again and explain it's an emergency? Maybe they can fit you in if there's a cancellation.
I just got off the phone to them. I said it could be pyometra and he said to give her Benadryl and keep it clean. He will ring me straight away if anyone cancels, but he said its not very likely :(

I rang the vet in the next town over, but she isn't very experienced with rats and I don't trust her enough to see any of my animals. (My mother in laws dog died during surgery to remove a tumour and the vet didn't inform her for 6 hours :/)
But is it gets really serious before friday, she is the only other vet I can get too..

Hopefully my little girl will be alright till then :(

I am willing to do whatever it takes to make her better <3
Could it be a prolapsed uterus? Had that happen to a dwarf hamster I was fostering. She ended up having an emergency spay. Before I brought her in though, the vet recommended that I keep the exposed tissue moist with KY jelly (hey, it worked).

The white/yellow stuff looks very ominous though ...
Its only been 6 hours since I first posted and is still the same day here *is confused* :p

I am getting another photo anyway though, the vet asked me too, to keep better track of any changes

*comes back with photo*


This photo is on an odd angle and makes it look worse, but its the same as earlier.

She has just started sneezing too now :( So i'm moving the girls into the lounge room tonight where its warmer.
So its pushing out from her body? Has she gained any weight? Is her belly rounder or more firm? It almost looks like an infection under the tissue there. She needs antibiotics not benadryl.
yeah it is pushing out. her belly isn't rounder or firmer that I can tell.. She weighs 164g and is bigger then her sister, but she has only put on a few grams recently which his normal since she is only 10 weeks old...
I wonder if that infection will surface and burst through the skin like an abscess would? I hope you get a cancellation, because she really does need antibiotics.
Oh! A friend just said she has some spare Baytril that she can bring over in the morning, is that an antibiotic?
I know its used to help treat Myco, but I'm stupid and can't remember any type of medical stuff :/
Baytril is a good broad-spectrum antibiotic and can be used for now. Make sure its not already pre-mixed and expired...baytril once its mixed up only lasts 3 weeks or so, so if it was old stuff she had in the fridge it won't do any good. If its pills though, its just fine.
one of her boys just finished a course and its what was left over.

She is coming over at 6am on her way to work.

Friday can't come soon enough!
They live on fleece (top level) and I made liners for the bottom level out of plastic placemats. They use breeders choice kitty litter and tissues and fleece as bedding..

I can't think of anything that could have gotten in there :/

My vet is amazing and if she does need to be spayed he will do it right then and there..

god I hope someone cancel's tomorrow!!

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