Cocoa's babies *new pictures!!*

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uhg. I spoke too soon, both those people say they live too far away. it's 6 hours which is a long drive but not too long to call it all off. I mean I could meet them half way but *sigh* I still have one person that lives in my area that said she might know someone that'll want one.

but anyways, I have pictures now!

Mama and dady:


Babies 24 hrs. old:


2 days old:


3 days old:


they've grown a lot! Oh and that newspaper was on the bottom under the blanket but mom thought it looked better with her babies :giggle:
aww they are so sweet. :D I really hope your able to find good homes for them.

I may be wrong but I think newspaper isn't the best bedding to use for babies...the ink rubs off on their skin and its toxic and can irritate their sensitive skin.
It wasn't supposed to be part of their bedding. It was for cushion under the camo blanket but mom went crazy and dug it up to use for the babies.
Wow I totally missed this thread. Congratulations on your babies! I can't wait to see them grow, and hopefully there are some good, loving homes out there for them.

Edit: annnnd I missed how this happened. If it were me I'd follow what the others said and request that he take responsibility for his huge lapse of judgement.
Congrats!!! Awww babies :heart:

I know here the ink on our newspapers is vegetable based so it's not toxic. But the color could rub off on the babies.
also, is it normal for their skin to look like it's almost peeling when their getting their fur. it's almost like when you have sunburn and then peel. where most of their fur is now the stuff went away but some still have it on their bellies.
from what i remember (back when I had babies) their skin did "peel" a bit when their fur was coming in. I'm sure its nothing to worry about as long as the skin still looks healthy. If it looks red or inflamed then I would be concerned.
Some flaky skin while the fur is growing in seems to be normal, I wouldn't worry about it :) It'll be gone in a few days once the fur comes in more. They are so cute! I love little babies :D
yeah at first they looked like dad but a lot are looking like their gonna be agoutis ^^ and boy are they getting hyper!
Oh goodness their eyes are opening now and today they just started nibling. I could just die they're so sweet! Mom was visiting miley for a bit and I put my hand in by the babies and they all swarmed to my hand and started nibling and licking my fingers! <3 I was wanting to keep a boy but now i'm not sure because there's a girl that looks identical to one of my boys, although she may be a dark brown instead of black, and she's so sweet. I held her for a bit and after I put her down she kept looking up at me and following my hand around. Oh goodness I love babies!
Congrats Shade. Keep those photos coming.

It's really neat to see them each day. You can see how much they've grown in two weeks. :eek:)
yeah at first I was under the impression that there were 3 girls and 11 boys and This lady nearby me said that she'd take all the girls. I trust her very well because once when I called I got her answering machine and it was for this rescue called Lost pets rescue and she has a website and everything for it. However, today After reading that it was safe, I was going to go and mark all the girls tails with pink non-toxic marker because they all (except for one) look alike. So I was checking over each baby carefully to make sure I hadn't missed any by mistake and realized there were 6 girls *faint* I haven't told the lady yet and i'm not sure if she'll take the other three but hopefully she will. she said she has 3 kids and wanted the babies for them. As of now I think i'm going to start taking weekly pictures because these guys wont hold still one bit for a photo and now that they'll be 3 weeks tomorrow it might be easier. I have many more pictures on my camera but I keep forgetting to bring it to the library with me so i'll post more as soon as I can.

they are very outgoing right now. a little skiddish when you go to pick them up but they come to you when your hand is in the cage and the crawl fearlessly all over you. Mom isn't too happy though because they keep stealing all her food lol
Sounds like the bubs are growing like crazy! They must be adorable... best of luck with the rehoming!

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