Chirping - Update pg 3

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2009
Northern Gulf Islands, BC
Hey guys, I have a quick question.
I recently noticed that Neon's been chirping a little bit, and I took everyone into the vet for a check-up. I mentioned my concern to my vet, and he gave a goooood long listen, and told me that he didn't hear any 'lung' sounds from her really, and he wouldn't be overly concerned about it, but to keep an eye on her.
This morning when I gave them their kisses and cuddles, I rat-phoned Neon, and as he said, I didn't hear any lung sounds, just her chirping away.
Is there a possibility that it could be a small vocalization that coincides with hiccups or sniffling? It sounds more like it's from her nose than anything else.
Thoughts, opinions?
Rats shouldn't make any noise, but I do remember that I had a couple of rats make a light chirping noise which amounted to no illnesses. But if you are describing monkey sounds, a louder than chirp, then it will progress to a URI at some point.
Monkey sounds? :lol:
It's more of a "pipping" sound, and it's not very loud at all. I expressed concern of URI, and he said to listen for lung sounds at home just in case, but so far there's been no change in her whatsoever.
Just because you don't hear lung sounds doesn't mean she doesn't have a URI. If it continues for more that a week or gets worse I would start her on abs.
I made the vet appointment as soon as I noticed the sounds, and took her in about a week after they started. As I said, the vet's not expressing a great deal of concern, and she hasn't shown any real change in behaviour. I will most certainly take her right back in if anything changes at all.
smilez_n_hugs said:
Why did you post a thread asking for advice if you already have your mind made up?

This could have been said in a more diplomatic way :myopinion:

Exodog is worried an looking for advice.

I keep reading rats shouldn't make any sounds, but I did have quite a few that seemed to be vocalizing once in a while - and my vet seems to say that it is normal. When she doesn't hear any lung sound, I always keep an eye/ear on them and make sure it doesn't get worse. Usually, it's nothing illness-related.
smilez_n_hugs said:
Why did you post a thread asking for advice if you already have your mind made up?
Sorry, but I feel that's a little rude. I was looking more for advice on what could be causing it than for a course of action, and I did say that should anything change in the slightest, I'll be bringing her back in. I trust my vet, and if he's saying it's not a major concern, but to watch it, that's what I'll do.
Exodog said:
I was looking more for advice on what could be causing it

And I was suggesting that a URI is causing it, I have had 2 different rats within the last year that have only had nose sounds but it was from a URI. When the first one was taken to the vet the first time the vet (like yours) said it was nothing but when the sounds still existed a week later I insisted on abs and the noises cleared up.

And I know that statement wasn't very "diplomatic" but it seems to be the same pattern. Exodog posts thread asking opinions, opinions are given and if she doesn't get the response that agrees with her vet or what she wanted to hear then she disagrees.
smilez_n_hugs said:
And I know that statement wasn't very "diplomatic" but it seems to be the same pattern. Exodog posts thread asking opinions, opinions are given and if she doesn't get the response that agrees with her vet or what she wanted to hear then she disagrees.
Just because I might not always agree with certain suggestions/advice, does not mean that I don't take them into consideration.
While I appreciate your advice, there are many ways that it could be put that would be a little less, well, rude. It seems to me that you only question my judgement when I don't immediately agree with you (like with terminating a possible pregnancy, or seeing my stand-in vet).
Honestly though, I'd like try to at least feign civility considering the history we have.
Can we call a truce here or something?
Cigar said:
Back when Osiris was young I can remember hearing him "chirp". He developed chronic pneumonia at 6 months-ish.
Wow, that's crazy! What can they do for pneumonia? Are there additional symptoms I should look for?
I'll definitely keep a very close eye on her activity/condition/behaviour and keep a running record. So far I check her breathing sounds once in the morning and once at night (no change so far, and no 'lung' sounds), and I always watch her behaviour for signs of lethargy or change in typical behaviour. Is there anything else I can watch for that would indicate it's something worrisome?
Exodog said:
smilez_n_hugs said:
And I know that statement wasn't very "diplomatic" but it seems to be the same pattern. Exodog posts thread asking opinions, opinions are given and if she doesn't get the response that agrees with her vet or what she wanted to hear then she disagrees.
Just because I might not always agree with certain suggestions/advice, does not mean that I don't take them into consideration.
While I appreciate your advice, there are many ways that it could be put that would be a little less, well, rude. It seems to me that you only question my judgement when I don't immediately agree with you (like with terminating a possible pregnancy, or seeing my stand-in vet).
Honestly though, I'd like try to at least feign civility considering the history we have.
Can we call a truce here or something?

This has nothing to do with our history but if you insist on discussing that feel free to PM me, this thread isn't the place for it. I have posted on all of those threads expressing concern for your rats and so far you have been lucky that things have happened to work out. Like everyone has said, breathing sounds aren't normal (unless they are caused by scar tissue or something like that0 but if you insist on leaving them untreated then that's your call.
smilez_n_hugs said:
This has nothing to do with our history but if you insist on discussing that feel free to PM me, this thread isn't the place for it. I have posted on all of those threads expressing concern for your rats and so far you have been lucky that things have happened to work out. Like everyone has said, breathing sounds aren't normal (unless they are caused by scar tissue or something like that0 but if you insist on leaving them untreated then that's your call.

All Exo did was ask that you guys try to wear a mask of civility on forum, she did not start airing any dirty laundry.

If everyone came in here and said "You need to go back to the vet and demand antibiotics" I am sure she would. Thus far she is just asking if there are any other reasons why this sound might be being made. If you have no further assistance to offer, then stay out of the thread.

It's really hard for us to say without hearing the noise if it is cause for concern or not, but it doesn't sound like she's making the true chirping noise that is a clear sign of illness. But nose sounds are often precursors to proper respiratory infections. How long has she been making the noises?
Thanks Moon.

I'll see if I can get a video of her making it, though it's so quiet that I don't know if it would be audible. She's been making them for maybe ... 2 weeks maximum (estimating here just in case I didn't notice right at the beginning)
When he was young we did zithro + baytril, baytril + doxy, and a few other combinations. Everything had a limited effect except Baytril by itself, but in the end Baytril naturally wasn't effective anymore.. His immune system was just garbage but he lived longer than all of my other original rats who were healthier. He was just unlucky, I guess. :l So just keep an eye on that chirp, if you notice porphyrin with it I'd ask the vet for abs regardless. Sometimes you have to be firm and say "this is what i want and i'm not leaving without it."
Is your vet very good? If so, maybe hold off and watch very closely. If there are any other changes go back in ASAP. You could ask for meds, but your vet may not give it if there are no other symptoms. Good Luck!!
Thanks for posting this exo! I was actually about to make a similar thread.
Arthur, my newest rat is chirping as well. I was thinking URI made sense, but he has no other symptoms. I will schedule a vet appointment for early next week to have him examined further.
I honestly probably would have done the same thing. Sometimes I like to make threads just to make sure I'm not over reacting. If there was some vocalization I didn't know about, then I'd hate to waste my vets time. But if people have experiences in the past with this kind of thing leading to a URI, then I know to tell that to the vet.

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