Chewed...Incision Plus Spaying Conundrum-Update Good and Bad

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That doesn't look infected to me. I have had rats that don't heal well or hardly at all when they are older, almost like it's too much for their body to handle and do everything else it has to. My 29 month old girl right now has a large sore (not infected) that was originally a scratch but grew as she groomed it and she was not able to heal enough to keep up. See what the vet thinks. I have had good experiences with Heal-x Soother Plus in similar cases, but it didn't do much for this girl so I got her some Blu-Kote to try.
It didn't look infected to me but I will keep an open mind about that possibility, thanks.

I'm glad it's not crazy and there is a possibility she's just healing slow from age and everything else her body is dealing with, but I will definitely make sure the vet rules out other causes. I have never heard of heal x soother, I will look into that. Thank you.

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