Cecil and I had a very bad night...Good Start to the Week :D

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Toronto, Canada, Earth
I had Chloe out and was cleaning her cage when I looked over to the Hamilton Brothers cage and saw Cecil lying in the corner litter pan, with his head propped up, his eyes closed and heaving away...ugh. I took him out and he kept running towards me but then didn't want to be touched...very typical of a rat going through a respiratory attack. "Help me Mom!" but then they don't want to be touched as it might interfere with their fight to breathe. :sad3:

I finished up Chloe's cage, and then checked on Cecil again, hoping he was okay (I have seen him like this before) but this time he was not. Chloe got her run cut short as she is aggressive to other rats and I couldn't take a chance.

His extremities were cool, he had very laboured breathing, and was breathing costally (using his abdominal muscles to breathe), but his lungs weren't congested or liquidy, rather it sounded like he wasn't getting enough air through. So I gave him fluids and an injection of dex to get him through the worst. i also am trying him on enalapril to see if he could have a possible heart issue just in case. I have a "throw the kitchen sink at it" approach when I think I might be losing someone.

Here is what he looked like prior to treatment

He really hated the sub-q but it was over quickly, and after a few little runs and flops on the bed, he finally settled on my pillow. It took almost an hour before he started to really relax and become calmer.



then he went into a relatively peaceful sleep for a bit, which was good.

This is him doing a bit better

Later on he sat up and decided to clean his netherbits...a very good sign! :joy:

He stayed out all night with me, cuddled up and staying warm. Funnily enough he liked to hang out by the pillowcase where Malcolm spent his last night. I would reach out and gently touch him all during the night. About 3 am he got the wanderlust and decided to crawl around and ended up on my side for awhile. He was warm and his breathing felt good.

This is the little man this morning...his extremities are warm, his eyes bright, his breathing back to normal for him. He looks like he got more rest than I did. :giggle:

I am glad you were with him and noticed him being in distress! Good thing you had meds on hand! It saved his life, I'm sure!

:thumbup: I'm glad he is feeling better! You can rest over the weekend... it's FRIDAY!!! Wooohoooo!!!
It's great that you knew what to do, and had the meds on hand. That must have been pretty scary.. I'm glad it's worked out well. Hope you get an uneventful, peaceful sleep tonight!
I took a peek at him when I got home, he looks pretty good :D

I'll take him out while I am making dinner and see for sure. Lots of gentle kisses coming up! :thumbup:
Oh sweet little old man, we only want you to get to enjoy your life for a little while before you cross the bridge! I'm so glad you could help him bounce back.
[You know, my rat Lily had respiratory issues, and it got really bad one day, with panicked runs around the cage. I have this oxygen concentrator that I used for my glass work, and so I plugged it in and vented the oxygen right into the corner of the cage at the bottom of a ramp. She stayed there all afternoon until I came home after work and had her PTS. I know it relieved her symptoms and I felt OK leaving her for the afternoon knowing that she wasn't suffering. Since you have so many medically compromised ratties, do you think that it might be a worthwhile thing to have something like that on hand? Hobby concentrators are not as expensive as human-rated concentrators, but will still do the job for a rattie.]
Godmother said:
So glad that Cecil :heart: is doing better.

Would love to know about an affordable O2 concentrator!

Me too!!
Actually, I have seen ads for seniors on TV about some but they sounded very expensive.

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