Can we double our ratties life span

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
Garden City Kansas
:cool2: You can bet I am going tomorrow & buy my new rescues Peggy Sue & Brandy some tomarrow, don't know maybe some for myself!
Pet Rats: How to Easily Train and Care For Your Ratties… To Have a Happy Life Together
How To Make Your Rats Live Twice As Long: A Research Breakthrough
September 19th, 2006

The typical rattie lifespan is 2 or 3 years, with the world record rat living until the age of 7, according to the Guinness Book. From my personal experience, I once had a little guy named Rodney who lived to be 6. (Coincidentally, he had the same name as the rat who made the Guinness Book! What are the odds of that?)

A common lament among rattie parents is, why do rats have to die so soon? Believe me, it’s definitely the toughest part of owning pet rats.

Assuming your rat lives a normal life, his lifespan comes down to a mixture of:
1. Exercise.
2. Nutrition.
3. Genetics.

Unfortunately you can’t do anything about genetics, but luckily there’s been a recent breakthrough in rattie nutrition — discovered by researchers studying human longevity.

The researchers found, according to this American Cancer Society paper, that rats consuming a supplement called Inositol (chemical name Inositol hexaphosphate or IP6 for short) had almost double the normal life expectancy as rats in a control group. And furthermore, they almost never got cancer!

What is Inositol, exactly? It sounds like some weird chemical, but it’s just a natural nutrient found it high fiber foods such as whole wheat bran, sesame seeds, and whole grain brown rice.

It works its magic on your rats’ health by improving their bone marrow, liver function, absorption of calcium, and metabolism.

You can find Inositol for cheap at just about any vitamin store. A lot of humans take it believing it will help with their own health.

I recently interviewed a rat vet who was familiar with the research, and she gave the following instructions…

* Give the Inositol to your rats in their drinking water. Since it tastes sweet, they’ll like the taste (and maybe even like it better than their regular water).
* Stir in one-eighth of a teaspoon per 16 ounces of water.
* When storing the Inositol, cover it with tin foil since the Inositol will breake down if it’s exposed to light.
* From time to time, give your rats an iron supplement, since Inositol can slow their absorption of that mineral.

Finally — and this is important — before starting your own ratties on Inositol, please make sure to speak with your own veterinarian and check the study I linked to for yourself. Don’t just do it based on my article.
A long time ago, when I thought that my Tresor was starting a tumour, I read up on IP6, it does seem to have ward off cancer. It turned out it wasn't a tumour but what I noticed, the IP6 really boosted her immune system.
I think I'm going to try it again, on my old rats. Thanks for reminding me. :thumbup:

The stuff isn't cheap though... but worth it. I buy mine at a health food store.
:) That makes me feel good Joanne, my 2 new rescues form Colo, this summer on vacation, Tim drove me clear down from the camp ground to adopt them, had a bad start so I am getting it for them & I am giving it to every one! Have I every showed you My darlings, they are th& cutest tamest, sweetest rats next to Gapa I have had, Peggy Sue is the beige hoodie & Brandi the black hoodie she has a patch of curley hair in the middle of her back 7 her hood goes clear to her tail, i love them so.
They are very adorable. You'll have to let us know how well it works on your rats.

How much are you giving them, I'm thinking of taking a hole capsule and adding it to their baby cereal.
Food is so important, I went from feeding 'what rat like' to 'what rat should have' and very fast they all got better, less cancer and longer lives - will try if I can find that stuff, but sounds a bit exotic
I was feeding mine Sun Seed rat and mouse mixture and sun seed blocks but after talking to Joanne and Jen one night in chat now I have taken them off the sun seed seed mixture and put them on the nutriblocks from Pet Valu and going to also get Harlan. Joanne said the seed mixture is like candy to them.

I will have to phone tomorrow to the health food store and see if I can get this IP6. That would be great to lengthen their lives.
Wow, that is great to hear!

Pet Rats: How to Easily Train and Care For Your Ratties… To Have a Happy Life Together
How To Make Your Rats Live Twice As Long: A Research Breakthrough
September 19th, 2006

Where can i find the study? Is the first one a book or paper?
I contacted my local health food store and they do carry it, however only in powder/capsule form. They are looking into ordering a liquid form for me.

Would i be able to find dosage info for the non-liquid form? And how would i administer it?


Does anyone know the dose to add to water?

Phyllis, I know your vet suggested one-eighth of a teaspoon per 16 ounces of water, but what was the concentration of IP6 that you used? I'll be able to work out the dose from this.


I remember when I was researching for tumours, we were supposed to give one capsule in the morning and one in the afernoon and without food for more effectiveness. Well, no way was Tresor going to take that without food. I managed to get at least one capsule a day.

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