can a 14 mos old rat have a PT? video added pg 3

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Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2009
I noticed that Paige is wanting to sleep a lot lately, she's my chubby girl. She hasn't wanted to come out for playtime unless there's food, if there's no treats, she goes back in the cage

but today, she's a bit puffed up,with phorphy eyes and seems confused

I am sure there's plenty of other reasons for this but that's the first thing I think of, after what happened with Cookie
the thing that scared me was that she also flipped out when I tried to take her out of the cage

when Cookie was first getting sick, she didn't want to leave the cage at all either.
You can try offering any other kind of food that would be held in their hands even a pea. If she can grasp it fine while eating then it's all good.
Although... I should add, I've had plenty of PT rats pass the cheerio test.
jorats said:
You can try offering any other kind of food that would be held in their hands even a pea. If she can grasp it fine while eating then it's all good.
Although... I should add, I've had plenty of PT rats pass the cheerio test.

hmm well I got some Regal rat food and when she's eating that, she has it between her paws on the ground, and eats it that way, but she's um, kinda big

Usually if I offer her something small like a puffed wheat, she grabs it in her mouth, not with her hands/paws

how do I get her to grab it?

ignore that last question

well she can't seem to hold anything without bracing in on the ground

i just tried some corn kernals, and she took each one in her mouth but then put he head down and rested her paws on the ground

one paw looks slightly clubbed

I realize now that she's been acting a little confused for awhile But i thought she was maybe just disoriented from the new additions


ok i gotta run out to the PO and store
Oh. If she puts it down and doesn't hold it at all, then that's a bad sign. If she also has a hard time finding it on the ground, that's not good.
jorats said:
Oh. If she puts it down and doesn't hold it at all, then that's a bad sign. If she also has a hard time finding it on the ground, that's not good.

well she's somewhere in between this, she is having trouble grasping food but doesn't drop it, but when she goes to bite it sometimes her head goes off to one side, and then she drops what's left and cant' find it

also her front paws cross over each other from time to time, it looks odd when she does it, like she can't decide which way to go, but she doesn't ever go anywhere after doing this.

I'll get a video as soon as the batteries have charged up

she's definitely not well, she's still all poufy and her eyes are porphy. she looks an awful lot like Cookie did. :(
no sneezing or anything obviously resp in nature. she can run but she mostly wants to stay underneath stuff.
yeh I had a sinking feeling yesterday and today I"m sure. I tried to get video of her but I messed up the settings on the camera some how and have to find the online instructions to fix it
and right now my eyes are nearly swollen shut from crying, so it may be a bit before i get to that.

Paige is such a funny girl. I expected we'd have at least another year together. :sad3:
I called and her and left a message asking how she treats a probable PT and she answered my email instead and didn't answer the question about what she treats with-
but it doesn't really matter, her first appt for a new client is Dec 20th
She'll be dead by then with no treatment, she's gone downhill so fast. Now she's not even trying to hold food and is bobbing her head around trying to find it on the ground

dammit dammit dammit, why didn't I notice this sooner? I've kept such a close eye on Hope, the oldest, I had no idea a rat as young as Paige could get this.