Buddy- Hard Lump On Face

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2008
Woodstock, ON
Buddy recently had a huge, most likely cancerous, tumour removed as well as his boy parts as they were irregular. Now the poor old man has a hard lump on his face. :sad3:

I've read it could be tooth abscess, a "regular" abscess or cancerous bone or tissue. What else could it be and which is it most likely in his case?

What meds should I start him on until I can get him to the Vet?
I wish my Vet was closer or that the bus strike was over. :wallbang: Taking cabs to London so often really sucks.



This was my Emma... though she was not diagnosed with ZG, she was diagnosed as having an inner ear tumour. Even if it's not a tumour, I'd think that an abscess in that location would not bode well, as it could indicate teeth issues or something.
Those pictures you posted Moon - my Fidget's face looked just like that but her eye bulged and got milky too, ChlorPalm fixed her.
Months later the other side of her face did the same (and the eye too) and ChlorPalm fixed her up again. Vet didn't know what caused it but the ChlorPalm obviously was the right choice for her.
Kayla, I sure hope your Buddy's problem is as quickly fixable. You might mention ChorPalm if your vet doesn't have a better idea.
Fidget said:
Those pictures you posted Moon - my Fidget's face looked just like that but her eye bulged and got milky too, ChlorPalm fixed her.
Months later the other side of her face did the same (and the eye too) and ChlorPalm fixed her up again. Vet didn't know what caused it but the ChlorPalm obviously was the right choice for her.
Kayla, I sure hope your Buddy's problem is as quickly fixable. You might mention ChorPalm if your vet doesn't have a better idea.

I have chlor palm 250. Maybe I should start him on that? Do you know the dosage/ weight of that for rats? I have baytril, metacam and prednisone as well. I just can't get to a Vet until Monday at the earliest and I'd like give him something for it now if possible.
I wouldn't recommend starting an antibiotic as it might interfere with what your vet wants to prescribe when do an exam and hopefully find out what is actually going on. And I think it's a pretty heavyduty antibiotic too. I just gave my experience in case your vet doesn't know or has little experience, ok?
But it's your decision so here is the info for that med http://ratguide.com/meds/antimicrobial_ ... enicol.php
Fidget said:
Those pictures you posted Moon - my Fidget's face looked just like that but her eye bulged and got milky too, ChlorPalm fixed her.
Months later the other side of her face did the same (and the eye too) and ChlorPalm fixed her up again. Vet didn't know what caused it but the ChlorPalm obviously was the right choice for her.
Kayla, I sure hope your Buddy's problem is as quickly fixable. You might mention ChorPalm if your vet doesn't have a better idea.
The sucky thing is that Emma was on abs when this popped up.... a baytril/doxy combo for a mild URI.
It's so hard to know what to do in such a case, but since you can't get to a vet until Monday you may want to use Chlorpalm to give Buddy a good chance if infection is the cause. three days is a long time. You may want to get a few more opinions on this from people with more experience than I have.
I've been giving him metacam and feeding him baby food, although he seems fine eating his blocks. His lump has now opened a bit and is draining some fluid. Our Vet opens again tomorrow, so I'll be calling them first thing in the morning. I've been looking all over for the contact info for the rat friendly emergency Vet in London just in case we need to go there instead. I've clean up his lump area with a warm cloth, but I'm not sure there is much else I can do for him until he sees the Vet. :sad3:

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