Goodness, Twitch. I'm so sorry to hear about everything! I really haven't been keeping up with the forums recently, so I didn't know of this until you mentioned it to me. I'm so sorry that poor babydoll didn't make it after the surgery. That sounds like it devastated everyone. Poor things, and poor you...
Good luck with the boys! Hopefully they become more accommodating with the medication. I know that I had to force it into Rose unless I mixed it up with enough strawberry ensure. But one night it was late and I didn't have any ensure, so I just tried giving it to him in the cage, and didn't he just suck it back! He's been doing it ever since!
I'm really sorry to hear about Rosie... poor girl has been through so much! I remember when you first got her and Lydia, how bad they looked. Hopefully she gets better, but if not, at least I hope that she is happy and doesn't suffer. Good luck with everything!