Bleeding from vagina - Ivy died tonight - Update July 18

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
Picked up three rescues tonight - two teenaged girls and a boy.

The older girl (approx 6 - 7 months) is bleeding.
I gentally massaged her abdomen, felt some lumps and she has since had quite a few bowel movements.
Initially, it seemed like her insides were going to come out her vaginal opening but now it seems ok.
I cleaned the blood off her, held both girls for a few min and the other girl ended up with blood on her back and I ended up with blood on my shirt.
Wiped off the blood and let her relax, going to go back and check on her after I post this.
Not a huge blood flow but it doesn't seem to be stopping :(
If she keeps bleeding, I will call the emergency vet but I do not expect they will be able to do anything.
Otherwise, I will take her to the vet tomorrow.

Any ideas or suggestions?


.................... bleeding has slowed down .... so vet visit tomorrow and likely antibiotics & a spay
She probably miscarried (the lumps could be babies)...I would bet there was a male there somewhere (may have been adopted/given away before these went up for adoption...the older girl may be Mom to the younger babies in fact.

Poor little ratters.
That dumbo boy? he looks big enough.... My boys have humped at smaller ages than he looks. lol
Yes, the little dumbo boy was in with both the girls and SQ has told me that he's about three months old.


When I picked up a rescue girl when I was living in NL (Baby) she was bleeding from her vagina too. It went on for about half an hour, and then stopped. After some chats and posts on here we chalked it up to a miscarriage and she was fine afterwards.

Hopefully girly rattie is feeling better soon. Keep me posted SQ. :(
He is bigger in the bin photo. He is old enough in that the baby pictures in that link he is smaller but he is a pretty decent sized by the look of that photo.


That bleeding look like what my two girls did after the templeton issue. One had a darker blood but two looked just like this.. Poor thing. Is she doing owie stretches over it?
hopefloats said:
That dumbo boy? he looks big enough.... My boys have humped at smaller ages than he looks. lol

He looks big enough to me to.....3-4 months, maybe 5 and I find with many rescues they look smaller but are actually a bit older.....But there very well could have been another male...I would assume the other girl is preggo...
The girl is still bleeding and the lumps disappeared last night after she had quite a few bowel movements.
Doesn't look like she miscarried and neither girl looks pregnant ... at this point in time.

Both girls were from a pet store. Boy was from a litter her friend had

Vet appointment in an hour
The little girl has lost quite a bit of blood and is still bleeding.
She had a vet appointment and two x-rays.
She is not pregnant.
She is now on antibiotics and is tenatively scheduled for the removal of her uterus (spay) on Monday.
She is the older of the two girls, the lighter girl with the larger spot on her back.

Any suggesting re pain meds that will not increase bleeding/interfer with clotting?
I have metacam but I beieve that might increase bleeding

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