Some good news today. Einstein's foot wound is, for all intents and purposes, healed. I think he may always have a bit of a scar there, but the skin is completely sealed and the swelling has gone down completely.
Beryl's tail wound looks really good too. I keep meaning to get pictures but then forget. And Stock's abscess looks good now too, looks like the rest of the pus has been mostly draining on its own -- it's not swelling back up, anyway. Flushed it out again today.
Also Stock and Beryl are submitting wonderfully to being held. They've both become master danglers and even big bad-boy Stock showered me in kisses when I got him out of his cage. He's a big ol' fatty, very solidly-built the way my Splinter is.
Since everybody's feeling so much better, I think I can try intros again. I'm going to start over at the bathtub and move forward from there, since I don't know how much the politics of the group will have changed without Locke. I do know that after he passed, all three of my boys were looking curiously around the cage like "hey, where'd that new guy go?" which did give me a little bit of a smile.
From talking to Simone, it sounds like 2 of Locke's sisters died of ppossible heart problems as well while being spayed. This makes me feel better about Locke but more worried about my boys. Anything I should be looking for aside from getting tired quickly, labored breathing, etc.?