Beryl's Tail Wound -- Almost Back to Normal

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:( I don't think that your attempt to treat his abcess caused him to pass; it sounds like he was already taxiing down the runway when you came to him. You were doing your best to give him love and care. His symptoms make me think perhaps he had a heart condition, like congestive heart failure or something congenital like myopathy. You did the best you could, and it was better than so many people give to their ratties. :hugs:
Thank you everyone for your kind words. :hugs: I'm feeling a little better about the whole thing now that some of the shock has worn off. Sadly I don't think I'll be getting a necropsy done, so the true cause of death will probably always be a mystery. Poor Locke...I just hope he got a little taste of the good life before he left us. At least he, unlike so many of his brothers from the shelter, got a name, good food, and will receive a decent burial....

Incidentally Katz, I'm wondering if you're right. His death reminded me very much of Token's, although it was much faster (Token took most of the night thrashing around before he finally passed, it was nerve-wracking) and I had suspected some kind of heart problem for Tokes since he was so fat. But then again...we'll probably never know.
Some good news today. Einstein's foot wound is, for all intents and purposes, healed. I think he may always have a bit of a scar there, but the skin is completely sealed and the swelling has gone down completely.

Beryl's tail wound looks really good too. I keep meaning to get pictures but then forget. And Stock's abscess looks good now too, looks like the rest of the pus has been mostly draining on its own -- it's not swelling back up, anyway. Flushed it out again today.

Also Stock and Beryl are submitting wonderfully to being held. They've both become master danglers and even big bad-boy Stock showered me in kisses when I got him out of his cage. He's a big ol' fatty, very solidly-built the way my Splinter is.

Since everybody's feeling so much better, I think I can try intros again. I'm going to start over at the bathtub and move forward from there, since I don't know how much the politics of the group will have changed without Locke. I do know that after he passed, all three of my boys were looking curiously around the cage like "hey, where'd that new guy go?" which did give me a little bit of a smile.

From talking to Simone, it sounds like 2 of Locke's sisters died of ppossible heart problems as well while being spayed. This makes me feel better about Locke but more worried about my boys. Anything I should be looking for aside from getting tired quickly, labored breathing, etc.?
A part of me is actually kind of glad that I know exactly where all of those rats went (even if a lot of them went into something else's belly) so I at least know for sure that these same genes won't be spreading any further.

Beryl and Stock are doing great. Beryl's best friends with Einstein now.

This does add an extra dimension of stress to me for the intros, though. Because given what I know now, I am extremely uneasy about getting Stock neutered. I really don't know what I'll do if I keep having problems with him during intros.
Today's funny freak-out moment: I went to go love on Beryl and his tail had a blueish tint to it.
I start panicking, think he's having some sort of vascular problem, he's in shock, something.
Until I notice that the blue is, in fact, dye from the capri sun box that he's been sleeping on top of XD

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