bedding recommendations

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New Member
May 30, 2024
hey guys i was hoping for some pointers and direction. my 2 boys currently have vet bedding in their cage and should probably do with either more vet bedding, so i can give back the ones im borrowing and have enough to swap them for fresh ones while dirty ones are being washed, or something else and was wondering if there was another secondary option I can use aside from vet bedding? their cage floor is grated as is their platforms so the bedding helps prevent bumblefoot but my god is it expensive. the anxiety of cutting it to size wrong and wasting $100+ on bedding to cut it incorrectly would break me. because it’s wire/grated rather than a smooth surface, i can’t really put loose bedding like paper litter in. it’s why the bedding works. i’ve attached a photo of the floor bedding’s corner lifted to show the grating i mean specifically. incase it’s hard to see, the floor has the same bars and bar spacing as the sides of cage. (i’ll be cleaning the undertray soon)
thanks in advance!


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