Basil sometimes does strange things and makes strange sounds

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
California, U.S.A
this is hard to describe. I have caught Basil, twice this week, heaving his sides and making a kind of hiccup sound. I haven't seen or heard anything similar from Ben so it worries me.

Whatever it is, it doesn't seem to hurt him in the least. He doesn't have any less energy and he does not behave lethargically while he is having "whatever it is".

Has anyone experienced anything similar? I know that rats do things and have body motions that humans will probably never fully understand :)D!) but I am cautious of my little fuzzbutt and want to make sure that it isn't something which needs to be checked by a vet.

Like I said, he does not appear to be suffering in any way, shape or form, and he has the same energy he always had (poor Ben... that little dude sees more powergrooms in one day than Bill Gates sees capital gains. LMAO!!!)

Any insight into the strange world of my little rodent body would be appreciated.

Thanks and Hugs
My new girls Lil and Grey hiccup.. Alot.. Prior to them, I'd never even seen a rat hiccup.. They're not vocal about it, but their bodies react about the same way you described your boy.

Anyroad, is the sound he makes rhythmic to him heaving his sides? Like, when you hiccup, and your tummy tucks in and your chest heaves a bit. It doesn't sound like he's got any resp issues while this happens, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Debbie Ducommun says that this is a symptom of myco.
When my rats have done this quite a bit and they have been medicated for myco., it has gone away for a period of time.
Thank you everyone!!! :D!!!!

I will read up on your idea that it might be a symptom of Myco, SQ, and take it from there.

I understand, from Debbie D., that Myco is present in all rats but is never the reason for rats getting sick. It is generally another illness, coupled with Myco, that wreaks havoc.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Basil had myco symptoms. The poor little fuzz form was, according to Small Angels Rescue, possibly destined to be snake food. He was found outside and Michelle had reason to believe that someone's snake had died and the rat was no longer necessary.


You can bet that there are NO snakes sharing my premesis! My rats run the joint. :love6:
I strongly disagree with what Debbie D has to say on that. My previous girls - Mac and Tully, never had hiccups in their life with me. Penn, Mac's sister, has never had hiccups, either. I had daily contact with Mac and Penn until I brought them home at 3mo, so they're entire lives. They had constant URI problems, from sneezing to rattling to gasping. But never a hiccup, or anything that even resembled a hiccup.
I have to disagree with Debbie D as well. I've seen my rats hiccup a number of times and it never developed into a myco flare up.
Even so, when I see one hiccup, I keep a close eye on that one.

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