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He seems more like himself, but I cannot trust him yet. I have a small hospital cage on the bed and sang and talked to him and he bruxxed for me. Not the grinding teeth chattering he has been doing. I am making us dinner right now.

I will keep his cage on the bed with me at night, so that he still senses me close to him.
Godmother said:
That is such a lot of discouraging news for you to absorb in one day! ((hugs))

Is the theophylline given orally? It's the med for bronchodilation, isn't it?

Yep. Its banana flavoured and given once a day. It REALLY helped Huron, but sadly his lungs are very shot after his life at RTR. His cagemate Percy is also another sad case.

Eli is running on the floor now, huffing, beating up random things but then quietening and exploring.

My feet are wwaaaaay up high and I am talking to him and offering him food off a plastic fork :p
lilspaz68 said:
...but sadly his lungs are very shot after his life at RTR.

Unfortunately the remaining RTR girls I have are in the same boat... those people make me so mad... there aren't even words to describe it.

I hope Eli enjoyed his dinner with you, and that you have lots more time with him, that the meds work. :hugs:
It could well be amitriptyline (Elavil is the 'brand' name) - it's an anti-depressant, a tricyclic one to be precise.

Here's some bits from Wikipedia (obviously I don't use them for precise drug stuff, but for the basics they're very good):
Amitriptyline is approved for the treatment of major depression, as well as clinical/endogenous depression and also involutional melancholia or "depression of late life", which is no longer seen as a disease in its own right

Amitriptyline may be prescribed for other conditions such as insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),[6] migraine, rebound headache, chronic pain, tinnitus, chronic cough, postherpetic neuralgia (persistent pain following a shingles attack), carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), fibromyalgia, vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, male chronic pelvic pain syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetic peripheral neuropathy, neurological pain, laryngeal sensory neuropathy, and painful paresthesias related to multiple sclerosis and at low doses as a prophylaxis (preventive) for patients with chronic migraines. ((the FM one I disagree with strongly, as it was prescribed for me and did jack squat))

I realize most of those don't fit Eli, but Elavil is usually the first medication doctors turn to in the antidepressant category - unless they're giving him a straight sedative, Shelagh, my bet is it's Elavil.

Much love to Eli and all your sick little ones - any word on Lilith?
That's funny... I was put on Amitriptyline for my severe headaches.
I'm so lucky that my Chief and Doc were probably too young to have been affected by whatever those terrible breeders were doing to their rats to allow them to become so sick.
Wow, sounds like you've got your hands full. Sorry about Eli - from the timeline, ie: really great for 6 months and then a sudden change of temperment after a seizure, it doesn't sound like an easy fix. It's so hard on our hearts sometimes having these little guys... :(
MeKist, Lilith is on watch and wait. Dr. Munn never got to her pics on Friday as they got swamped by emergencies, but from listening to my assessment of her says its highly possible. I will put her on pain meds for any discomfort.

I was soo exhausted last night I passed out early...8:30 or so? by mistake. Woke up at 11:30 not sure what time of day it was. Now I am up taking advil and turning everything off :p
Ohh Shelagh you poor thing, poor Eli and the rest.

Glad to get a mini update on Lia though, LOL. I was just thinking about her.
good news.

1) Eli is back with his cagemates. this morning he ran to the front of the cage with everyone else, and he let me pat him without a huff and I got to kiss his butt! His meds will be ready on Wednesday.

2) Lilith is going in on Wednesday to have her icky looked and possibly removed.

3) Inca is having her stump removal as well on Wednesday. Dr. Munn wants it off sooner than later and sent me an email to that effect.

The only bad part will be that my plans for Christmas are rapidly changing. My original plan was to leave for the Go train from ork on Friday afternoon. Now I am going to have to go home and see how she is doing, give her pain meds then head back downtown to catch the Train/bus. If she's not doing well, I will have to stay home with her and can hopefully catch a ride up to my sisters on Saturday. If that can't happen, or she needs more nursing, I will stay home for Christmas.
I was only going for just over 24 hours, but if I go with my sister it will be more like 6 hours...still waiting on her email.

I have missed family Christmas's before...I am not that worried. More nervous over this surgery since its pretty extensive.
smilez_n_hugs said:
Ok just thought I would offer since I will be home most of the day. I'm sure both ladies will do wonderfully.

Nope that's lovely of you Amanda, I do appreciate it :cuddle: I got the email from my sister, no problem on a ride up and back :) I think for my own sanity, I will go this route and just make a point of going up to spend some time with my mom soonish.
Glad everything is worked out.

And super happy Eli is acting normal again and is back with his friends. Poor little guy!

Best of luck to the 2 ratties that have pending vet appointments!
Lilith today


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