Back from Dr Munn's - Tonka RIP :( Monkey did Fine :)

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I just thought of it now Shelagh. The black (happened on Erins face) is dead skin. Well at least for her it was. That's most likely why it's black.
:hugs: For you guys. An outie abcess is better than an innie one right?

I'll be praying for her.
Aw shoot. Aw baby. Is she acting like she's hurting? Aw geez it hurts to see something like that on a helpless little body :(
I'm gonna admit that in the beginning I put a couple kids down for things that looked too big for them to overcome. I've learned on the ratsites that these kids aren't indestructable, but they can sometimes heal like aliens on the sci-fi channel if they get antibiotics.. And that expectations are a poor guage of who's gonna recover and who isn't.
My instincts have a better track record than my expectations with the kids. And I think Tonka is gonna be just fine. She's a beautiful color btw!
No signs of pain, except for some tenderness around the scab. I give her tramadol when she tells me she's ouchie. Today she's bright and non-ouchie :) But she's pretty feeble and mostly useless through the hind limbs, has possible glaucoma that has her right eye bigger than her left, but no issues yet. So I am not sure where Dr Munn is going to go tomorrow.

Her whole family is aging fast, Mira has the same thing as Chara did, Goli's respiratory issues now need maintenance meds, Maaz has a URI which is responding nicely, and Monkey has a mammary tumor (I am dying to take off but she's 30 months old), and a newer inguinal tumour as well. :(
Awe Tonkers I am sending massive healing vibes your way. Also healing vibes to all your family and a major big hug to your wonderful mommie. :hugs:
If it all works out today and Tonks abscess is successfully lanced/drained, for aftercare I have cipro and I have Vicks (dab under the nose), betadine, saline rinse for my sinuses in lovely little packets for an isotonic saline solution :)

I decided to put a note to ask if Monkey could be evaluated for the removal of her tumor. She is 30 months old, but in good health, the tumor is an armpit one that has a small attachment and lots of loose skin. She is my alpha but watching her try to teach Gavin some manners last night firmed up my decision. I normally have a rule that I don't remove tumors after about 2 years old, but what if Monkey is supposed to live for 6 more months?? Gahh!

So they will evaluate Tonks and Monkey and both might be having their respective surgeries/procedures today. They will call me at noon to let me know what will happen today.

I'll post when I hear anything. I hate surgery days...all that stressing and waiting... :panic:

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