Hello, I’d really like some help. I recently bought three baby girls, upon receiving them I found them to be 3 and a half weeks old. From my research this is too young to be sold and away from mum. I’m not sure what to do, any advice on what to feed them, what care to give them and how to give them the best life I can would be greatly appreciated. I will be taking them to the vet ASAP, to be checked over, to make sure they were correctly sexed and because one of them has an infection. I was told she was born blind in one eye and that it was infected but that otherwise she was healthy. Any advice also on helping her with her eye would be appreciated, it has porphyrin around it and appears stuck open and crusty. They’re inquisitive and appear healthy but I am not a professional and want to ensure I make no mistakes and that I give them the best care I can.