Another Sick One

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2007
My poor maple, saturday night she was breathing hard, face looked puffy etc. Had to chunk my baytril, because it didn't look right so I gave her some cipro. I'm not sure if she's going to make it, she's only eating tiny bits of baby food & she has the blue tinge to her feet now. I've been nebulizing her etc. I hate this she is so dainty and super sweet gal. Why does stuff like this happen when all the vets are closed :?
Oh no! Poor little thing.
I'd get her to a vet as soon as it opens and ask for an aggressive treatment. If you can ask for a combo of Baytril and Zithromax.
jorats said:
Oh dear.. I'm so sorry.

How are all the others doing?
Thank you all. Others are doing ok, one of my old gals was having gasping attacks today, but we got that settled down finally. Any time the weather gets humid here she has breathing problems. Maple's cagemate is doing well so I don't think it was anything contagious, but I'm going to keep on eye on everyone.

I posted a memorial for her w/her photo

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