Actually, as mentionned earlier in the thread, Chatouille remained Chatouille all the way, only VERY tired. Yesterday, after the vet brought her back to me following the X-ray, she was lying in the carrier, along side with my Mimi, and I started petting her head -for the first time in the almost 2 years I've had her, she started bruxing and boggling because she was being petted. Later on, while I was waiting for the med in the waiting room, I put her in my shirt and was granted with more kisses on the neck and shoulders than I actually get in a week from my all 6 kids. Deep down, I am convinced that following this visit she understood she was to be ok - her attitude improved eventhough it was very good, and she is more active and seems to enjoy having her friends around more. Right now, my Mimi, Chatouille and Picolo are the 3 most bounded - they are always together or close, as if Picolo was the one taking my 2 sickest girls under his wing (no surprise there, actually!). :thumbup:
The struggle and the money definitely was worth it so far - I paid the bill without even looking at the details last night and don't dare do it for now but eventually, I have go back and take a look at how much the heart med will be. I am now hopeful though - Chatouille's breathing still is heavy, but it doesn't look like she is gasping as much and she's only had two treatments so far. I am hopeful the X-ray in two weeks will show a huge improvement in her lungs - who knows, maybe it will even be the last X-ray required, which would be awesome!
And don't worry Fidget, I am not to fight for her at any cost. As I was mentionning to my bf last night, those last two visits were made being very conscious she might not be coming back home with me. And believe me, when the vet showed me on the x-ray what size a normal rat heart should be, I got convinced for a minute she would say there was nothing more we could do but let it run its course - had it come to that, I would have had her PTS right that evening (was about to write "right that minute", but I know I would have spent a good hour saying goodbye before I finally let the vet do it).
All this to say everything is well so far, Chatouille is lying almost in sandwich between the 2 men in the cage - haven't seen her sleep in over a week but I expect to see that little miracle by the beginning of next week.