We have a vet appt today. Sadie is still hanging in there, but the ulceration is just getting bigger :sad3: I just don't know how she can stay in such good spirits, that tumor just HAS to be painful. I know the tramadol is helping. But still...my poor baby.
Since we are going into another weekend, I really want to be sure she'll do ok. My husband and I had a long talk last night, and depending on what the vet says.....today could possibly be the day. I sure hope not...but ya'll know how it goes :sad3:
I'm taking my group of 3 oldies in too. Our oldest boy Jim is really fading, and I just want him and his girls to be checked over. You know, when they get to that point where you know they are declining, and you probably can't do much more for them (all three are on meds for various reasons), but you want to be sure. All three seem comfortable...it's just time for an oldie check up.
Anyway, perhaps you all might send some good throughts their way today? If it's Sadie's time, I'm trying to be prepared. I've prepared for the last 3 weeks...but still, it will be so hard. :sad3: