Worried I have used to much kitten revolution

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Nov 19, 2021
I have 4 6ish week old rats, one actually pooped out worms. I’ve only had them for 3 days. I very stupidly accidentally used 1 whole vile between the 4 as they were squirming. I know now that I should have scruffed them and not squeezed the bottle. I called my local vet who said wipe down area, then called a exotic vet who called the poison line who said to wash them. So a hour after giving them the meds I washed them. That was 3 hours ago and they are still super active, eating, drinking, playing but the internet said it could take 12 hours to show symptoms. I’m so stressed and feel so dumb.
Well the good news is that Revo is VERY safe with rats. My vet said you can practically bathe them with it. So don't worry about overdosing.

As for using Revo, it's best to express it into a small bottle with a tight lid. Then open it use your tint doses and close it up again. The alcohol in the formulation will make it evaporate quickly if left uncovered.

As for your poopy worms hopefully the Revo does the trick but your rats may need different medication depending on the type of parasites they have.
Well the good news is that Revo is VERY safe with rats. My vet said you can practically bathe them with it. So don't worry about overdosing.

As for using Revo, it's best to express it into a small bottle with a tight lid. Then open it use your tint doses and close it up again. The alcohol in the formulation will make it evaporate quickly if left uncovered.

As for your poopy worms hopefully the Revo does the trick but your rats may need different medication depending on the type of parasites they have.
Omg thank you so much! I was terrified I harmed them. Will it still work even if I bathed them a hour later? A breeder told my to not even squeeze the bottle next time only like dab the bottle on the skin. And told me to redo in 2 weeks but package is monthly. Sorry for all the questions
How long after you put it on them did you bathe it off? Generally it only takes minutes to absorb through the skin so what you probably washed off was the residue.

If you still have mites (fresh scabs, or scabs that aren't dryer and easy to scrape off) you can re-dose at 3 weeks.
How long after you put it on them did you bathe it off? Generally it only takes minutes to absorb through the skin so what you probably washed off was the residue.

If you still have mites (fresh scabs, or scabs that aren't dryer and easy to scrape off) you can re-dose at 3 weeks.
How long after you put it on them did you bathe it off? Generally it only takes minutes to absorb through the skin so what you probably washed off was the residue.

If you still have mites (fresh scabs, or scabs that aren't dryer and easy to scrape off) you can re-dose at 3 weeks.
An hour after and wiped it down 20 mins after. I kept getting different advice and was panicking. Thanks so much for the info. They don’t have mites, one had worms
Hmmm Revo may work with the worms but it may not, it really depends on the type. Pinworms are most common and most rats have them but aren't affected healthwise.
Ok thanks Lilspaz. I’ll reworm after the correct amount of time and keep a eye on them. I was told to just touch the tube to their skin and not squeeze it. Does that sound right to you?
thank you
It really is best to use an accurate dosing based on weight, which Revo you have (puppy/kitten/cat is 60 mg/,ml, dog is 120 mg/ml).

If you have these let me know and I'll help you figure out your doses
Ok thanks Lilspaz. I’ll reworm after the correct amount of time and keep a eye on them. I was told to just touch the tube to their skin and not squeeze it. Does that sound right to you?
thank you
No, the dose is 1 drop for juveniles and 1 or 2 drops for adults. There's a rising chart but it's really not necessary. I've done tons of research. Also, it's insignificant whether you use dog or kitten Revolution (or Stronghold).
Dog is twice as strong. So you'd use half the dose.
Thanks Lils. Vet told me to use small animal wormer two weeks after revolution then second dose of revolution a month after the first. Will buy some kitchen scales for them. So glad I found you. No one seemed to be able to give me a straight answer

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