Well last night I had willow and Alice out to play., I put Alice back in the cage with her now that I know that she isn't pregnant and so she has a friend. I have them in the ferret cage becuase there was no way she'd be able to get up the stairs in the FN.
But last night she was running around fine? What's up with that? So maybe it was like you said lilspaz68, that she was in pain from a possible URI and just didn't want to move her legs. I've been giving her cranberry juice to help flush out her system. She's sleeping right now.
I got an appointment for her on Wednesday at 2:20, sucks there wasn't anything closer open but I'll take what I can get. I'm taking Raina in with me too because Dr.Lewis wanted to see her again to make sure she was healing good. Which she is, brave and strong little rattie that Raina.
I'm just hoping that Willow doesn't have anything too serious. Her symptoms from what I've been observing are, spotting blood when she pees, extreme hyper, off balance, she'll just let herself fall off of anything so I'm catching her most of the time so she doesn't hurt herself. She just goes full speed ahead and does really care if there's something in her way , she'll sometimes bump half into something before she corrects herself from fully hitting it then turns around and runs some more. All the rats I've had never did anything like this, so I find it kinda strange.