Where do you buy meds in bulk?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2007
I noticed that some people had meds such as baytril or revolution in bulk it seems. Does your vet give it to you in bulk or do you buy it somewhere else?
You should be buying your medications directly from your vet. Only they can give an exact diagnoses as well as the best way to treat any illness.

My own vet gives me more medication than I need at one time in case I need to continue treatment for a longer period, or for those times when the clinic isn't open and I need something to hold them over until I can get them in. She and I have a good relationship, and she trusts my judgment in treating my rats. She also knows that if I have to start them on medication for any reason without her, I'll be in soon enough to go over everything with her and see what she has to say about the situation.
bruxxy said:
I noticed that some people had meds such as baytril or revolution in bulk it seems. Does your vet give it to you in bulk or do you buy it somewhere else?

Some of us have developed strong relationships with our vets and they give us extra or let us take home tablets (baytril, etc). Revolution you buy in boxes and only use so much, so the rest is kept until later.

It took me quite awhile to get to that stage with my wonderful vet. :)
When my girls had mites I went to my vet for the first time and she treated them with revolution right there and didn't give me any. She had to see them before she would give anything. But then she doesn't know me at all and I still don't know a lot I think.

Definately gotta build up a relationship with your vet.
My vet won't give out more than 30 days of meds at a time, but in bad cases where she had already seen the rat a few times I could just call in and she would okay a refill for me to pick up. When Nora was still alive I was going in to pick up baytril & doxy every month.

I at one point purchased some Baytril from a pigeon supply company to have on hand. BUT I don't trust it... it didn't even come with an expiry date on it!! How do I know it wasn't out of an expired bottle? It wasn't in an original bottle either... how do I know they gave me what they said they are??

I ended up throwing it out. I would rather pay the $55 exam fee and trust my vet and what I am getting.

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